Guess who likes you/ Menna

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Jenna and Mikey just met each other nine months ago when they both joined the scream franchise. They play each other's love interests. Jenna and Amber have both fallen for each other but too scared to the other one.

"Hey Mikey."Jenna says walking over to Mikey where they're about to shoot a scene at

"Hey Jenna."Mikey says then the director yells action.

"Amber I promise you I only love you and Wes means nothing to me in that way."Jenna says with tears in her eyes

"But the way y'all look at each other says otherwise Tara."Amber says letting the tears fall down her face

"Amber I promise you baby that I don't like like Wes."Jenna says and puts her hands on Mikey's face and Mikey smiles. After looking at each other for a second Mikey  pushes Jenna up against the wall and kisses her and the scene ends.

"Nice kiss."Jenna says and winks and Mikey blushes.

"Same to you."Mikey says and walks off before Jenna can see her blush even more.

"Hey Jenna"Jasmin says walking over to Jenna.

"Hey Jaz I thought you were off today?"Jenna asks walking off set.

"I am but Mikey called and said she needed to talk to me."Jasmin says

"Oh Ok well she just walked to her trailer."Jenna says and Jasmin nods and walks over to Mikey's  trailer and walks in. When Jasmin walks into Mikey's trailer she sees Mikey laying down on the couch glaring at the roof.

"Glare any harder the roof might fall on you."Jasmin says laughing and Mikey blushes and sits up.

"Hey jazz."Mikey says when Jasmin sits down next to her.

"Hey mimi now you wanna tell me why you asked me to come here on my day off?"Jasmi asks and Mikey lays her head on Jasmin's shoulder and sighs.

"I like Jenna and I don't know what to do."Mikey says

"Tell her."Jasmin says like it's a simple thing to do.

"It's not that simple jasmin."Mikey says groaning

"Yes it is because she likes you too."Jasmin says and Mikey looks up at Jasmin

"How do you know?"Jasmin

"Well for one the way she looks at you for two when you're talking she just smiled and stares at you."Mikey says

"That doesn't mean anything her and I have always stared at each other when the other one is talking."Mikey says then her phone goes off telling her break
time is over.

After Mikey and Jenna shoot some more scenes they go and sit in Jenn's trailer knowing Jasmin is in Mikey's.

While Jenna and Mikey are talking Jenna's phone dings.

JAZZ🤪❤️:guess who likes you
Don't tell her I told you
Or she's going to kill me.

When Jenna reads over the messages twice to make sure she was feeding it correctly she looks up at Mikey who is blushing and looking at the ground

"You like me?"Jenna says

"No point on lying now. So yes I do like you I've liked you for awhile."Mikey says and Jenna leans in and kisses Mikey.

Mikey pulls Jenna her lap and Jenna wraps her arms around Mikey's neck.

"I like you too."Jenna says and Mikey smiles and kisses Jenna again

Hey it's been awhile. And I wanna say sorry. The girl I was telling y'all about told me today she's been leading me on she never saw me as a gf just a friend but she liked the attention I was giving and liked how I would get protective of her. So Idk if I'll update daily anymore now that I'm back I might do it every other week or so. Also my 18th birthday is on Friday so I guess that's a happy side of my life right now. I also started vaping again because I've been stressed and upset I stopped last year but here I am doing it again.

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