Calling my girlfriend another girl's name/Menna

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"Hey guys it's Mikey and I know I don't do videos or get on social media but I saw a video on you tube where this girl called her girlfriend another name so I thought why not try this on my lovely girlfriend Jenna ortega."Mikey says chuckling

"So I'm gonna tell Jenna we're doing a Q&A and how I do the rest is I don't know yet I'll make it up along the way."Mikey shrugs 

"Hey baby."Jenna says walking into their shared bedroom

"Hey babe how did filming go?"Mikey asks

"Great they're thinking about putting Wednesday and Enid as a couple."Jenna says pecking Mikey's lips

"Oh cool so everyone has been asking for a Q&A wanna do one?"Mikey asks

"Sure."Jenna says sitting down next to Mikey on the bed

"First question where did you two meet?"Mikey reads off the phone

"We met on the set of scream five a year before filming because they wanted to see how all the actors would be together."Jenna says and mikey nods

"What is Mikey's girlfriend's name."Mikey reads 

"My girlfriend's name is Hannah I mean Jenna."Mikey says and Jenna looks at Mikey weirdly

"Your girlfriend's name is what?"Jenna asks

"Jenna I said Jenna."Mikey says 

"No you said Hannah."Jenna says 

"No I didn't."Mikey says

"Yes you did."Jenna says 

"You said Hannah I know Hannah and Jenna sound a like but you didn't say Jenna you said Hannah."Jenna says

"Who's Hannah?"Jenna asks with a sad tone

"Y'all heard me say Jenna."Mikey says pointing at the camera

"Y'all heard say Hannah."Jenna says then leans on her left arm staring at Mikey with an annoyed but sad look 

"Who's Hannah?"Jenna at asks leaning back up looking at Mikey

"Bruh I didn't say Hannah."Mikey says

"Don't call me bruh I'm not your Bruh."Jenna says 

"Quit asking me who Hannah is though I said Jenna."Mikey says

"But you're lying you said Hannah you didn't say Jenna."Jenna says

"Hannah Jenna I mixed up."Mikey says and Jenna looks at Mikey with an 'Are you dumb' look

"How would you get mixed up?"Jenna asks

"What you don't know my name?"Jenna asks

"I didn't mean to."Mikey says

"So who have you been talking to? That's a Hannah"Jenna asks annoyed

"Guys I'm gonna turn the camera off because she's tripping."Mikey says and acts like she turns off the camera

"Like out of all names?"Jenna asks and Mikey sighs and runs her hand down her face

"Who's Hannah, who have you been talking to?"Jenna asks angrily 

"Nobody."Mikey says

"Are we really goign to do this again?"Jenna asks

"What do you mean again?"Mikey asks

"You just called me another girl's name."Jenna says

"I said Jenna."Mikey says 

"Whatever don't talk to me."Jenna says and crawls to the top of the bed and sits in the middle with her back against the headboard

"What do you mean?"Mikey asks trying not to laugh

"What do you mean what I mean you just called me somebody else's name."Jenna says rolling her eyes

"I said Jenna."Mikey says 

"Okay Tasha."Jenna 

"Dude I said Jenna."Mikey says 

"I know Hannah and Jenna sound the same and sometimes eople confuse my name like that but you're my girlfriend of two years now you supposed to know my name."Jenna says 

"So who hav eyou been talking to that has the name Hannah?"Jenna asks getting really annoyed at this point

"I haven't been talking to anybody I just got mixed up."Mikey says

"How do you get mixed up that's what I'm saying."Jenna says 

"Can we just finish the video and forget about it?"Mikey asks

"No I'm not gonna play pretend with you."Jenna says rolling her eyes and getting on her phone

"You're being extra."Mikey says and Jenna smirks angrily and Mikey gulps without Jenna noticing 

"If I was to call you someone else's name you're telling me you wouldn't be acting the same way that I am right now."Jenna says

"Not if you didn't mean to no."Mikey says 

"Okay now you're really lying."Jenna says chuckling angrily 

"I would understand."Mikey says 

"Why would you understand that I mixed up your name with another girl's name especially with dating for this long now?"Jenna asks putting her phone down

"Like be for real is there smoothing you want to tell me."Jenna says 

"No."Mikey says 

"How are you able to confuse names though is what I'm not understanding what have you been doing while I'm at work."Jenna says 

"I haven't been doing anything."Mikey says 

"I can't deal with this right now."Jenna says putting her face in her hands

"Come on you can't be mad at me."Mikey says 

"Wait are you crying?"Mikey asks grabbing jenna's hands and mocing them

"Baby no don't cry it's just a prank look the camera is sitll on."Mikey says and Jenna looks at the camera then throws a pillow at Mikey and Mikey laughs

Mikey grabs the camera then walks over and leans against Jenna putting the back of hear head on Jenna's chest and Jenna looks at the camera and wipes the tears off her cheeks

"I'm so sorry baby."Mikey says laughing and Jenna just rolls her eyes

"Can I have a kiss?"Mikey asks and Jenna leans down and kisses Mikey 

"Well guys I got her good."Mikey says once her and Jenna pull away

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