One - Years

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It had been just over 4 and a half years since Penelope Featherington had seen Colin Bridgerton.

Penelope was the best friend of his younger sister Eloise. There was never anything that would attract him to her, there was nothing that would spark his interest in her. He was gorgeous, she was the plain Jane who was always attached to his sister's hip. It was true. Penelope and Eloise were inexplicably sisters growing up, they spent most days together, most holidays and were inseparable. As they got older, Penelope's crush on Colin intensified, she watched him fall in and out of love, grow older, get stronger, and live his life, all without her. She felt like she had been waiting forever just for him.

Penelope had developed quite the career, she was working for a publishing firm, and worked her way up significantly, in the short time she had been there. She was now 22 (turning 23) and had the world at her feet. She had managed to secure a beautiful apartment in London, and done it all on her own. She didn't have family, as she cut them off after her 18th birthday, right around the time she last saw Colin. Penelope wished she could forget that night. Forever.

That was the night not only did she get too drunk and embarrass herself in front of her long time crush, her mother protested in front of everyone that she would become a fat old cat lady. (She had a microphone on her before she was going to do a speech in front of the party and the comments were all caught through the speakers) It was heartbreaking, the Bridgerton's tried to reassure her, but deep down she knew her mother meant it.

Eloise had became interested in the stars after following her college sweetheart, Philip. It was hard to admit, but Eloise and Penelope had grew apart over these past few years, Eloise was in a demanding career, and so was Penelope. However, when Penelope received a letter in the post to attend her wedding in Italy, she knew she'd have to go.

It had been over a year since they'd been in each other's company. Not out of avoidance, but Eloise and Philip had travelled the world, while Penelope sat at home. Between different time zones and countries they seemed to lose track of themselves and their strong friendship.

Eloise had been barely in the UK, so she couldn't blame her for their lack of contact. It was just apart of growing up. Penelope had except that, even though she felt like she lost a little piece of her heart.

Penelope had sent her a message explaining of course she would attend the wedding and Eloise called her straight away, they had a 2 hour conversation where Eloise told her that she must come to her last dress fitting, and that she must become a bridesmaid. Eloise explained she couldn't imagine getting married without Penelope standing beside her. This made Penelope melt, she didn't realise how much she had missed her dear friend. She was ashamed to admit it but both of them sobbed as soon as they heard each other's voices.

Penelope had took the day off work as she had penciled in to go and meet Eloise at the dressmakers. She was anxious, and slightly nervous. The Bridgerton's were such a staple within Penelope's life throughout her whole childhood, she had hope they bore no resentment to her sudden absence over these past 4 years.

Penelope was slightly different from all those years ago, it took her a few years to get her act together, she always felt like some type of insipid wallflower, but with money and confidence, she found herself and her own identity. At 18 she had her natural hair, weighed a little heavier, and had zero idea how to apply make up or any idea of how to dress for her body shape.

Penelope was no more than 5ft 1inches, and she was a curvy woman. Her breasts were always larger than normal girls her age... and well her ass always had a jiggle of some sort. She used to hate everything about her body, but recently she gained confidence. She had met a friend called Genevieve, she was a fashion designer from Paris, who lived below her. She taught her everything about clothes, lingerie and well... boys. They had been on more than a handful of fishing expeditions and well they were extremely successful.

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