I finally burst through the airport doors, excited to greet Ryan when his plane landed, trying to forget my pathetic failed summer romance. Jonathon Holland: Deviously charming and hot, with the bonus of being a brooding musician in an indie rock band, he had all the makings for a hot and steamy summer lover. Our time together had been unforgettable, full of toe-curling sex and music festivals where I got to watch my summer fling sing on stage in front of women screaming his name. Except by the end of the summer, the heat began to fizzle off, and he turned out to be just in love with his adoring fans as they were with him. The only thing more awkward than his deep throat tongue kisses was seeing him give one of those grotesque tongue-probed assaults to a festival groupie right in front of me. He just assumed I'd be into it and hoped for a threesome. Not a chance. And just like that, my summer fling ended as fast as it started.

I wasn't sure why I was surprised he ended up being a complete douchebag. He had all the warning signs. I think I just ignored them because I knew it would end anyway. By the end of the summer, Jonathon and his band were about to embark on some indie rock band tour across the country, and I was returning to San Francisco to finish my senior year.

Ryan didn't know things were over between me and Jonathon yet. Or shall I say, 'Ginger Jon' as Ryan preferred to call him. Ryan wouldn't let it go that Jonathon had copper-coloured hair or was in a band. Every time we connected, Ryan would ask me how much pocket change Ginger Jon made in tips that week singing on the street corner. Sometimes, Ryan could be such a jerk about the guys I dated.

The airport isn't busy with people coming and going. Instead, it's uncharacteristically quiet for a Friday night as I watch the fading sunset through the windows. With each minute that passes, the airport grows quieter, and I eventually sense his presence as he slides into the empty seat beside me and bumps his shoulder with mine.

"Holy Hipster." He beams at me, eyes lit with bliss. "I don't think I've ever seen you wear ripped jeans or seen your long-ass hair covered by a beanie hat on your head."

"Hey, buddy. Nice to see you, too." I say, biting back a laugh. Of course, he noticed I made a few personal adjustments over the summer. One of them was that I grew my hair past my shoulders to about mid back, and yes, I bought a beanie hat. I also bought two pairs of ripped jeans, which I realize is totally out of character, but Jonathon told me my butt looked fantastic in jeans, so I bought them. "Is this your annoying way of telling me how good I look?"

He laughs. "Aw, I missed you, Jonsey." He doesn't shy away from his proclamation when I look at him. After a pause with strange, mutual inspection, he asks, "Did you pierce your nose too?"

I nod. "Yes. I did." When he makes a face, I playfully shove him. "Don't pretend you don't like it."

"I leave you for one summer, and suddenly you're wearing beanie hats, probably bicycling all over San Francisco, and I bet you're even putting avocado on everything."

"Hey, I may be borderline hipster, but you look like a homeless person," I say abruptly, teasing him right back. "Your skin is brown and leathery from the sun... and seriously, why is your hair so long and stringy?"

"It's beach hair."

Laughing, I continue, "You also have the worst beard."

He looks at my eyes, cheeks, and lips for a long moment before meeting my eyes again. "Aw, just admit you love my new Zen appearance just as much as I love you as a hipster."


He grins over at me. "Come on, Jonsey. It's time to hug your best bud."

He wraps his arms around me and holds me close. He smells like the ocean and peppermint toothpaste. I hugged him back and realized how much I missed him, too. I missed his constant need to tease me, our friendly banter and his warm embrace. It feels like forever since we've seen each other, and I never want to let go. That is until he playfully rubs his beard all over my face. It itches against my skin, and I wrestle against him to break free, both of us laughing.

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