Chapter 9

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(Natalie pov)


Natalie's thoughts: "She's my sister, mom didn't have any right to be like that, I get it she can't accept it but she's family."

It's been over a month since she had that argument with Faith. I did what I thought was right, and none of that shit worked in the end. All I wanted was to be a fucking family again and that didn't work out.

Natalie's thoughts: "At least Abuelita is doing okay." I sigh.

It's hard enough having to lie to my mom now my mom is making me lie to Abuelita that Faith left home to get back to her work. Which is a big fat lie she's on tour with Ariana. I've just been so caught up with Abuelita, I haven't even had a chance to call them or text.

Natalie's thoughts: “I'm going to get Ariana a present, her birthday is coming up, see her in person, I'll definitely see how they are going.”

Maricel: “Natalie ven aquí necesito tu ayuda!!”

Natalie: “Okay ya voy!!”

I just hoped seeing her then will help clear up things here with mom and her. I just need to find a present, a ticket, and a passport. I am going to Canada.

~5 hours later~


I'm at the mall by myself looking from store to store just trying to find a gift for Ariana. I mean that is fucking impossible, what do u get a girl who is literally worth millions of dollars.

Natalie's thought: “This is going to be fucking impossible I can't find shit and it's last minute!!” I groan.

I go to one the best tech schools in the country, but I'm broke as fuck!! Seriously, I'm hella busy with college. I don't have time to make money, I'm literally digging through my college funds my mom saved for me which is food and emergency only. I'm just lucky that I got a full ride to that school.

Natalie's thoughts: “Too goddamn expensive, no I can afford that, she probably already had that too, maybe I could, no, ya I'm going to give up and throw myself over a cliff.”

I sat down by a bench thinking about what she would like. I only know her from the times she came over and when she babysat us. Nothing came to mind besides Harry Potter, anime, music, and Faith.

She probably has all of that and she definitely has gotten all of my sister. I shake my head trying not to think about that, I focus and nothing. One person who I really wish was here, we'll maybe two would either be Courtney or Bailey, those two are amazing at finding gifts.

I called them both and the first one to answer was Bailey.


Bailey: “Hey What's up???”

Natalie: “I need your help please I don't know what to get Ariana for her birthday!!”

Bailey: “If you're going to see Ariana, can I come with you please, the last time we met it was really a great time please, say yes this would mean so much to me!!”

Natalie: “If I say yes will you help me find a present cause this feels impossible!!”

Bailey: “Yes!! But I might not be much help, you do know she's rich as fuck right, she can buy herself anything she wants.”

Natalie: “Tell me something I don't already know!!” I groan and sigh.

Bailey: “We can narrow it down, she's love music, Harry Potter, anime well she got a tattoo of eevee, umm the color lavender, she loves jewelry who wouldn't, oh she loves your sister!!!”

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