Chapter 7

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Kind of just a filler chapter...I hate it.

„What are you doing here?" I asked standing up without the crutches letting myself lose balance and fall into the person in front of me.

„Whoa, I know we didn't see each other for a long time but damn, you falling into my lap is something different." We both chuckled as she helped me up and handled me on my crutches.

„Kat I... I'm sorry I left without saying goodbye to you and Jordan." I said pulling her into the hug.

„It's okay football girl, although me and Jordan were a bit... sad but it's all good." Kat smiled at me putting her hands on my shoulders looking at me up and down.

„What happened to you?" She asked, looking at me worried.

I rolled my eyes: „Football accident...if you can call it like that." I mumbled the last part.

„Well...I hope you recover quickly. Do you want to grab a coffee or something?" Kat asked, still having her hands resting on my shoulders.

„I would love to but-" I was cut off by a third voice: „Melissa?" I turned my head to where the voice was going from and there she was. Jana stood maybe two metres from us.

„Jana Hey." I said, pulling Kat's hands away from me, making her frown.

„What are you doing here? I thought Lucy made you lay in bed till you died." She chuckled with a glare at Kat and a bit of a jealousy smile at me.

„Well, I wanted to go for a walk with you. Keira let me, so I decided to wait for you here and I met Kat." I explained as Jana raised her eyebrows at me.

„Kat?" She asked, confused.

„Yeah, the one I told you about in London?"

„Oh, right Kat." She said but her eyes didn't leave mine.

„Kat this is Jana, Jana this is Kat." I introduced them to each other as they shook hands.

„Her girlfriend." Jana added to my introduction as I just rolled my eyes.

„Oh.. right. Um look Melissa I have to go, but I'll text you." She gave me a quick hug and she was fast gone.

I turned to look at Jana: „What was that?"

She shrugged: „What?"

I gave her a smirk: „You're jealous."

„No, I'm not. She was just...too close to you for my liking." She tried to explain, but it was clear as day that she was lying.

„Yeah whatever. Come here." I kind of stretched my arms for her to come into which she did and I placed a small pack on her pounding lips.

„She was looking at you with a lover's eyes." Jana said as we stayed in our warm embrace.

„No she didn't...and even if she did." I pushed her a bit so I could look into her eyes: „I only only have eyes for you."

Her pound changed into a smile and her cheeks turned into a deep shade of red.

„I love you." She said and gave me a kiss.

„I love you too, now come until Lucy comes out here and lets me die in my bed." I grabbed her arm as we slowly started walking into the city.


„Why did you let her leave?" I said angry at Keira.

„Oh, come on Luc we both know she needs to get out of that bed. Why are you so scared of letting her out of the house?" Keira asked as she guided me to sit back down.

I breathe out: „I guess... I'm scared of what if someone does something to her. She is so vulnerable now with crutches."

„She is with Jana, they'll be fine. Luc...hey, look at me." Keira said, grabbing my face into her hands: „You are the best mum in the world, but sometimes you need to let these mother instincts go okay?"

I nod letting out a sigh: „I I hope they will be back before it's dark out."


We were walking for a bit until I got tired and we sat down on the bench above a beach watching the sea just begin...

„You know...some of the Barcelona girls are flying to Mexico to play a friendly game. I guess I'm going..." Jana started but stopped and looked at me.

„What about it?" I asked playing with her fingers.

„It will be yet again two weeks without seeing you and I promised you to be there in the physiotherapy and-" I cut off her ramble: „Hey it's okay. It's your job Jana and I know you'd love to go. Don't worry about me. Lucy and Keira want to go to England to see their families. So I'll probably go with them."

She raised her eyebrows: „Probably?"

I shrugged: „Well...I would love to stay here, but there is no way Lucy will let me stay here alone so yeah... probably. But you young lady will go to Mexico." I poke at her chest as she laughs and nods along.

„Okay let's go." Jana kissed me and helped me up as we slowly walked back to the flat.

The next day....

When I woke up the next day I was curled up on Jana's side on our couch in the living room.
I don't particularly remember falling asleep here but Lucy and Keira probably left us here after dinner.

„Jana babe...wake up." I whispered, placing kisses along her jaw.

„It's too early." She mumbled and pulled me closer to her which I thought wasn't possible as our couch wasn't really big and my ankle cast wasn't small either.

„But I have to pee so release me dragon." I said as she grew and lost her grip around me making me somehow sit up and with a still blurred vision I tried to see where my crutches were.

When I spotted them I knew it would be difficult to get them as they were on the other side of the living room. Shit...

„Jana." I turned to my girlfriend to find her back asleep.

I sigh and stand up using one leg to jump around the table to get my crutches.

This is more exhausting than I thought.

I quickly grabbed them and made my way to the toilet.


The question for the day is:

What's your favourite Christmas candy or snack?

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