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Harry James Potter was celebrated as one of the most powerful and successful sorcerers of all time. He had surpassed the likes of Dumbledore in knowledge of Obscure magic and had outstripped Voldemort and Grindelwald in measure of magical reserves. Under him, Wizarding Britain didn't just lack any outer threats similar to the time of Dumbledore but also was at the height of internal prosperity and modernization. 

But Harry knew that none of that have been possible, if not for his seven beautiful wives, who hadn't just walked beside him when his life was in peril, but also stubbornly fought and won against it. They were all regarded as the Guardians of Magical Britain and were as revered as Harry himself was. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, it was only thanks to Fleur's enchanted ornaments that could maintain glamours strong enough to counter 'Thief's Downfall', they were able to do business in public. Thankfully the wizarding public had mellowed, and now they were not troubled beyond a few whispers and occasional autographs.

Harry thought he had accomplished quite a bit personally. After killing the Dark lord Voldemort, he along with his wives had been offered Auror training, which he and Hermione had accepted. After attending 1997-1998, as Head boy and Head girl and having a yearlong honeymoon along with his other wives they had both been apprenticed under Gwain Robards, who to their surprise they found out to be the most loyal man of Amelia Bones instead of bigoted muscle grunt of Fudge. Apparently, he had been saddled with Minster's security duty because he had mixed up Madam Bones' coffee one morning. Later when the Minister of Magic had started to show idiocy, he had accepted the permanent duty to spy on the minister. The training had gone very well, and Hermione had decided to continue as auror, whereas Harry had thought he had enough of dark wizard fighting for the time being and had joined the English Quidditch team as a Seeker for World Cup 2002 at the age of 22. After seeing his talents on the broom, neither his fame nor recommendation from his one of wives, Ginerva Potter Black, was needed. The tournament was great and both Potters on the team had blown other teams away with their performance, especially Ginny who had given a completely different definition to the meaning of high-scoring games. In the finals, Ginny had scored 46 goals creating the record for the highest points earned by a single player in a single game. Unfortunately, Britain's own defence had not been very good, and the score had been 490-390 in favour of England when the skipper of the runner-up team of the 1994 World Cup, had spotted the snitch and chased it, making the English fans' heart drop. Viktor Krum was a prodigious Quidditch talent after all. In a time like that, Harry had not lost hope and given Krum a strong chase, dodging a Wronski feint from Krum. Unfortunately for Bulgaria, Harry had taken advantage of failed Wronski feint and shot directly towards the snitch. In a second, the whole stadium had become alive as the fans cheered at Harry, who had raised his hand in the air with a snitch fluttering in his fist. England had won the World Cup, defeating Bulgaria by 640-390. Ginny had given him the second most passionate snog of his life, which had brought a goofy grin on his face. Though Harry had also found that Professional Quidditch had not been the thing for him, and he had retired much to the heartbreak of English fans.

 He had joined Hogwarts as a Defense Against Dark Arts teacher along with his other wife Susan Potter-Bones who taught Transfiguration and his friend Neville Longbottom who taught Herbology in 2003. At the same time, Harry apprenticed under McGonagall as a pupil of Transfiguration. It had felt great to be teaching. Unfortunately, the rules had changed and only candidates with masteries could teach at Hogwarts after the year and Harry didn't have enough patience to pursue Defense mastery which literally took 3 years, unlike other core subjects that took only one. 

From 2004-2005, Harry worked as a private investigator for 'Pottermore', which was led by his other wife Padma Potter-Peverell. Pottermore was a new organization but was butting heads with Daily Prophet for best Media agency. Harry's endorsement, when everyone learned he was working for Pottermore, had bolstered its popularity and it took just a year for it to become no.1 among its competitors. He had taken a great deal of joy in seeing his wife kick Reeta Skeeter out of her office when she had tried to apply for a job in Pottermore.

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