"Ambition, Mother, Father, is the currency of my future. Coryo is set on a path to presidency. We all know Coryo is the only one qualified to be and I intend to stand by his side."

"Coriolanus Snow is gonna make me Panem's First Lady," she smirked.

The revelation hung in the air, heavy with implications. Seraphina's heart, a battleground of conflicting emotions, yearned for the power and influence that she believed only Coriolanus could offer.

The pain of unrequited feelings simmered beneath the surface, masked by her unwavering determination to seize a destiny far grander than the confines of familial expectations.

Seraphina's father, ever astute, continued the conversation with a suggestion that held the weight of political pragmatism.

"I understand your desire for greater power, darling. But if you aim to be Panem's First Lady, why not consider Felix Ravinstill? True, he's currently on life support, but he's not dead. There's still a chance he might recover, and once he does, he will follow in his father's footsteps."

As her father spoke, Seraphina maintained an elegant composure, her emerald eyes betraying none of the internal turmoil.

Yet, beneath her composed exterior, a tempest of conflicting emotions churned.

The notion of marrying Felix Ravinstill felt like an encroachment on the carefully laid plans for Coriolanus Snow.

She couldn't allow anyone to disrupt his ascent to the presidency, for she harbored ambitions that transcended the mere title of First Lady... his First Lady.

The subtle movement of her snake mutt at the crook of her neck sent a shiver down her spine, a silent reminder of the power she possessed.

It sparked an idea in her calculating mind— tweaking the venom to eliminate Felix Ravinstill without leaving the telltale signs of the rainbow scales that marked the venomous attacks on Clemensia Dovecote... maybe not, too risky.

She'll figure out something else.

Seraphina's thoughts transformed into a sinister dance of possibilities, as she envisioned a future where her path to power remained unimpeded.

Offering a cryptic response to her father, Seraphina concealed her true intentions beneath layers of veiled language.

"Time will tell, father."

In that moment, Seraphina's thoughts cascaded into the intricate designs of her grand plan.

Felix Ravinstill, a pawn in the elaborate game she orchestrated, held a position of strategic importance.

As she concealed her true intentions behind a facade of familial duty, the serpent within her mind continued to weave the threads of calculated moves and clandestine alliances, all leading towards a future where Seraphina Aveline would ascend to the zenith of power.

The Heavensbee Hall buzzed with anticipation as mentors and select individuals gathered for another day of the Hunger Games.

The opulent hall, adorned with Capitol extravagance, echoed with hushed conversations and the rustle of Academy uniforms.

The Heavensbee Hall, a stage for the puppet masters of Panem, awaited the unfolding drama of the Hunger Games, where every move carried consequences that rippled through the intricate web of Capitol society.

Seraphina made her way to her seat and proceeded to place her communicuff on her wrist.

The raven-haired girl saw an increase in the tally of donations for Reaper; she later started clicking on her communipad, sending more food and water for her tribute.

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