He paused, choosing his words with care, aware of the weight they carried. "Your friend Festus Creed is from a reputable family. Aligning yourself with the Creeds would not only strengthen your social standing but also provide you with a companion who can contribute significantly to your ambitions. We have your best interests at heart, my dear, and we believe this union would be beneficial for your future."

Seraphina listened to her father's words, her expression composed, yet the storm within her mind continued to churn.

The expectations placed upon her shoulders by her family clashed with the grander ambitions that danced like shadows in the recesses of her thoughts.

The idea of being bound to Festus in a marriage pact felt like a constraint on the intricate chessboard of her strategic maneuvers.

The morning breeze carried a sense of tension into the Aveline household, as the conversation at the breakfast table tiptoed around the looming topic.

Seraphina's emerald eyes betrayed an inner storm as her father, Abraxas, finally broached the subject, casually bringing up the notion of a marriage pact with Festus Creed.

"Seraphina, my dear, Festus is a fine young man. The Creeds are a respected family, and aligning ourselves with them could bring significant benefits to not only them but also your reputation," Abraxas repeated once more, his voice carrying the weight of familial expectations.

Seraphina's mind whirred with calculations as she delicately sipped her tea, contemplating how to navigate this intricate web.

Her parents, seemingly oblivious to the storm brewing within their daughter, continued to extol the virtues of such an alliance.

"He's your friend, Seraphina. Marrying into the Creed family would not only solidify your social standing but also maintain a connection that could prove invaluable in the future," Her mother, Selene, chimed in, her eyes hopeful.

It's becoming repetitive, Seraphina thought.

However, Seraphina, the master of strategy, saw beyond the immediate gains. Her thoughts raced, envisioning a future far grander than the confined walls of the Creed household.

Festus Creed was a pawn in her grand game, a piece to be moved strategically, but not one she intended to be shackled to.

With a graceful poise that belied the intensity of her thoughts, Seraphina calmly responded, "Father, Mother, I appreciate your concern, but my ambitions reach beyond the immediate comforts of such a union. Festus is a dear friend, but my aspirations are set on a grander scale."

Her parents exchanged puzzled glances, prompting her father to inquire, "Seraphina, what could be grander than marrying into a family with old money and influence like ours? It's a move that has served our kind for generations."

Seraphina met her father's gaze, her emerald eyes unwavering.

"Coriolanus Snow," she declared, dropping the name like a bomb in the genteel morning air.

A moment of stunned silence followed her proclamation. Her parents exchanged bewildered glances, struggling to comprehend the revelation of their daughter's ambition.

"Coriolanus Snow? He was my first choice, however, the boy has been getting too soft with his tribute... everyone can see." Abraxas voiced out.

"Darling, he is a sweet boy. But, Seraphina, he's..." her mother began, unable to find the words to articulate her concerns.

Turning into a rebel sympathizer? Unlikely... Lucy Gray sympathizer, maybe. Seraphina thought to herself.

"He's ambitious," Seraphina interjected, her voice holding a steely resolve. 

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