Goodbye Boys (13)

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After grabbing some lunch from a local Burger King Johnny and Malcolm drove back to Gabriella's house. By the time they got back the boys were finished with their lunch and were now playing outside in their back garden.

"How are they?" Johnny asked Gabby.

"They are fine. They didn't stop asking to see you while you were gone."

"Gabby, do they know? Like about me possibly being their dad?"

"Not yet. They know that their dad exists somewhere, though,  just not that their dad might be you."


Gabby and Johnny stood together and watched out of the window and stared at the boys as they played outside. Malcolm sat  alone in the living room.

"Gabby, why did you do what you did?"


"When we dated. Why did you drug me and leave me for dead?"

Gabriella turned to look at Johnny. "Babe, it wasn't like that." She put her right hand on Johnny's shoulder. Johnny didn't like that.

"Yes, it was. We did cocaine together and I told you I didn't want to do it and then I got as high as a fucking sky-scraper and you ditched me to go to the fucking strip club-"

"That's my job, baby..."

"Still? You let the boys be around that kind of thing?" Johnny was angry.

"So what? My mom looks after them while I'm gone-"

"No! You can't do that kind of work with young kids!"

"Johnny, stop freaking out. I don't bring the guys I meet back home with me!"

"So what? My sons shouldn't be around that sort of thing!" Johnny couldn't believe it.


"No! My sons deserve better-"

"You didn't complain back then!" She shouted. "Back then, in the strip club, you were all over me. You didn't care about bringing me home then, did you? Why does my job matter now?"

"Because I didn't have kids with you back then! I was drunk and high and I missed Leah. I used you to fill my mind while she was gone! I never loved you, Gabby."

"Ooooh, baby. Yes, you did." Gabby wrapped her arms around Johnny's shoulders and her hands met behind his head. She then pushed his body up against the refrigerator and kissed him passionately on the lips.

Johnny tried to wiggle away, but he couldn't. He tried to grab her hands from behind his head, but that didn't work either. He then grabbed Gabby's jaw and pulled her mouth away from his lips. "Malcolm! Malcolm!" Johnny shouted and Malcolm came running in. Malcolm helped pull Johnny away from Gabby.

"What is going on here?"

"She kissed me, man. We need to leave-"

"How come? Are you scared that precious Leah will find out about our affair?" Gabby teased.

"What fucking affair? I'm married to Leah not you."

"Yeah, but we just kissed so you, my friend, are a cheater!"

"Bullshit. You kissed me! I'll tell Leah and she'll know how much of a-"

"If you tell her anything about me then I'll take your sons away."

Malcolm rolled his eyes, "We don't even know if the boys are his!"

"But they probably are.  If you tell anyone about me then I'll take them away from you."

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