Chapter 8: 【Purge】

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".... I guess I'm unconscious... this is getting boring,but at least I had fun fighting someone,someone who had finally made my new life more... what's the word?.. hmm...... Alive?,That good enough." Y/N exclaimed to himself within some kind of bottomless dark void. Which was his mindscape, or at least that was what he thought. The boundless silence was abruptly disrupted by the slightest glimmer in this dark. Which would begin to steadily grow in size & brightness within a few seconds,Y/N stared at this with a blank expression upon his face.

The bright light would then abruptly envelope him,Y/N would then close his eyes. After a few moments,he would then hear the faint whispering & footsteps of other people.

"What... are they... talking about?" Y/N thought faintly to himself,gritting his teeth as he felt a nerve-wracking pain coursed throughout his body within a rhythmic pulse. As he would then feel something poking his cheek repeatedly,which steadily began to annoy him. It would take a lot of endurance to even open his eyes,his face would scrunch slightly from the brightness of the lights as his eyes slowly began to adjust to the brightness.

"Hmm?,Oh!.. it seems like a certain someone is awake from their nap!" A familiar voice exclaimed heartedly to Y/N,who groaned a little as his eyes focused upon the person that was talking.

His eyes would slowly adjust to the brightness. The blurriness within his vision would soon fade to see multiple staring at him. The most noticeable one,Satoru Gojo,who was literally right in his face,who smirked widely.

"It seems like our newest student is awake!" Satoru exaggerated.

"It's not like he's our classmates,seeing how.. he or whatever it is isn't enlisted into the high school." Megumi exclaimed bluntly,glancing at Y/N for a moment,while Satoru pouted.

"Megumi,stop being such a sour face towards your newest colleague,he's still recovering from his injuries." Satoru pouted once again in a childish manner,Nobara sigh,facepalming herself. Y/N would let out a small sigh,slowly lifting himself from the bed with much effort. Much to the worry of the people within his room.

"Hey!,don't push yourself like that,bud. You might be resilient, but you still need to rest & recover from your injuries." Satoru mused slyly with a miniscule undertone of worry,Itadori would nod,agreeing with his sensei's words.

"I'm fine... to a certain extent..." Y/N huffed,slowly rolling onto the side of the bed. His body was aching from every joint,screeching at him to rest as he then felt multiple abrupt sharp pains in his side. Y/N gritted his teeth slightly,resting his hand upon the side,ultimately deciding to just lie back down on the bed.

"....I retract my statement.." Y/N muttered,ignoring the choked up laugh from Satoru. Whose laughing would soon devolve into a mild chuckle,Y/N would give Satoru a mild scowl. Who wasn't particularly fazed by it at all,continuing his own shenanigans.


A few hours had gone by,which mainly consisted of Satoru pestering Y/N nonstop. While yuji would mainly comfort & try to brighten his day,he's such a nice boy,a stark opposite to the cursed spirit within him. Y/N would let out an exhausted sigh,a screen would soon appear in front of him. It had shown data that had peaked his interest by an obscene amount,attentively reading the contentence.

[Rapture]: An immense buildup of positive energy within the Sword of Extermination,making the blade gleam a pure glow of positivity. This sends the positive energy out in a large slice at high velocities,overpowering or stalemates certain attacks. Critically compromising or vaporizing cursed spirits & their internal structure.

[Pain nullification]: The negation & resistance of pain towards wounds on the user's body,nullifying it to varying degrees.

Y/N let out a faint hum from his mouth,having the screen close. He would stare towards the window,looking at the glimmering moon in the sky. He hadn't even noticed how much time had passed,it felt like a flicker. He would then look at the sticknote that satoru had placed on... his forehead,God that man is too childish.

Y/N grumbled,taking the stickynote off of his forehead,reading it.

"Okkkkaay!,so... to put things short for you,my new student,we'll be exorcing a few.. hundred curses in a city,soo... be ready!"

Sincerely,by the strongest - Satoru Gojo ;3

Y/N chuckled slightly,letting out a mild sigh as you looked into the window,staring off into the sky.

Y/N chuckled slightly,letting out a mild sigh as you looked into the window,staring off into the sky

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"... this is gonna be... entertaining."

(789 words)

End of chapter 8

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