weaving into your web

Start from the beginning

For now, he settled his attention on the lock in front of him. Drawing out his phone, he made quick work of connecting it to the electrical box, it didn't take long before he'd hacked into the structure, making sure not to leave any trace behind as he slipped inside, giving himself administration access in case of future endeavors.

The wind was soft, the sun just out of reach, making the rooftop the perfect place to rest for a while. He let himself drop into a seated position, back to the wall as he gazed at the campus stretching out in front of him. It never failed to surprise him, just how big this school was. Even the training facilities hadn't been that vast.

He waited a moment before getting to the task he came up here to complete. The phone rang only twice before it was picked up.

"I don't suppose you have some good news for me." Was the sentence that greeted him. Dragon's voice was low, tired, and angry.

"My teacher wants to drop me off at the apartment after school, his goal is to speak to my guardian."

A heavy, frustrated sigh was his response. "And let me guess, you couldn't find a way to dissuade him?"

"No, sir."

"You really are useless." The words were made to slither beneath his defenses, to sting, and yet, he felt nothing. The line died with no further fanfare, the remaining beeping serving to ground him as he looked onto the horizon. He supposes that went relatively better than he expected.

The day at UA continued, and Midoriya maintained his distance from Shinsou, and avoided any meaningful interaction with his teachers.

That afternoon, as the final bell rang and students poured out of the classrooms, Midoriya made his way to the school gates as instructed by Aizawa. He stood there, hands in his pockets, waiting in silence. It didn't take long for Aizawa's car to pull up.

The car ride home was filled with an uncomfortable silence. Aizawa glanced at Midoriya occasionally, clearly wanting to discuss something but hesitant to do so. Midoriya, on the other hand, remained stoic and distant. He couldn't help but feel that Aizawa was growing suspicious, and he needed to tread carefully.

As they neared their destination, Aizawa finally spoke up. "I expect your guardian to be home when we arrive."

Midoriya nodded, his voice monotone. "He should be."

Aizawa's gaze bore into Midoriya, his eyes narrowing slightly as he hummed shortly.

Midoriya knew he had to be careful. He had no idea what the General's plan was, but he couldn't let Aizawa get too close to the truth.

The car came to a stop in front of his apartment building, having shown Aizawa the way as they went along, and both of them got out. Midoriya led the walk inside, feeling a sense of unease settling in. He knew that somehow, even despite the distance, the General would have taken care of the issue, he just hoped that it would work out.

Drawing out his keys, he hesitated, before finally relenting and twisting the lock, the door opening slowly before them.

Aizawa followed him inside, his eyes scanning the apartment. "I'll wait to speak with your guardian." He remained in the doorway.

"I'm home." He spoke, knowing that it was expected of someone who was supposedly used to living with other people.

A moment of silence greeted his call before finally a noise was heard on the other side of the hallway. Midoriya could feel the weight of Aizawa's curiosity.

"Ah, Welcome home, my boy." A familiar voice called out, steps heavy as none other than Colonel Axel made his way towards them. He couldn't suppress the full-body flinch that overtook him as the man's arms encircled his form, bringing him to his chest in a caricaturesque impression of what he supposed was a hug. His skin crawled at the contact, the hair on his arm standing on end as he counted the seconds in his mind.

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