Chapter 10. Train ride

Start from the beginning

Angelina leaned back against the wall. “How old is your brother?”

“Oh, we’re twins, fraternal though.”

Lee chuckled. “I hope you and your brother are nothing like these two.”

Fred and George held a hand over their heart, looking at Lee with an offended gaze. “We are the ideal figures to look up to.”

Amaryllis rolled her eyes. “You wish, but no. We’ve had our fair share of pranks, but it isn’t exactly our forte.”

“What do you guys like to do?”

That was a question Amaryllis hadn’t expected to hear. How was she supposed to answer that? She liked the water and everything in it, but Harry hadn’t picked up any hobbies. He had gone from one thing to another since they were little. Nothing had stuck, no matter how much she encouraged him. Living with their Aunt and Uncle had left no room to pick anything up when they weren’t allowed to do much more than breath.

Shrugging, Amaryllis looked away from them all as she answered, “I like the water and learning about everything that lives in it. Harry, he hasn’t really found something he likes.”

“Well, you’re in luck. There’s a giant squid in the lake at school that’s always friendly.”

Amaryllis’s eye lit up at Angelina began to tell her stories of their encounters and rumors they heard from their years at school.

Fred and George even engaged into the conversation, throwing in pranks they had pulled on kids, telling them how the giant squid would throw them across the lake if they disturbed the waters in any way. The head of their house, Professor McGonagall, had to squash the rumors once they spread from it, reducing their points. That was something she had to ask them about. Hagrid never said anything about a house cup, or the points that added up to the end of the year— at least she didn’t remember him saying anything about it.

The sky dimmed the longer they talked, and Amaryllis bought a few things off the lady that came by with the trolley. She enjoyed the conversation between the four older students that she barely saw the sun hide behind the rolling hills out the window.

She had known Fred and George loved to prank, but didn’t know their love for it had gone as far as to make, test and sell then all while they were at school. They were also part of the Quidditch team, along with Lee, and Angelina. They gave her more defined rules than Hagrid had given Harry, and quickly declined their invitation for next year to join. The Gringotts cart became a story to why she would not like Quidditch but it gave the twins something to laugh at while Angelina joined in her misery.

Angelina looked outside, turning back to them. “We should almost be there.”

“Might want to go change, Mells.”

She assumed that was George, unless they began changing the nicknames they gave her, it seemed to be her only way to tell them apart.

“We’ll see you at the sorting,” Angelina called as they went separate ways.

With a wave over her shoulder, Amaryllis headed back to the compartment that her brother and Ron were at. A third person occupied the place when she opened the door. A girl with bushy brown hair sat across from them. They seemed to be mid-conversation as they stopped and stared at her.

“Sorry, I came to grab my robes and change into them. We’re almost there.”

The girl stared out the window, her eyes widening. “She’s right. I’m Hermione by the way.”


“Oh, Harry’s sister. He told me about you. Said you were wandering the train.”

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