Close To You (I'm Gonna Stay)

Start from the beginning

"Don't know." Changbin answered, standing up from the equipment and grabbing his water bottle and keycard off the floor. "You guys have anything in mind?" 

"Is there a dance room?" Minho asked hopefully. Of course, being the only member currently present from DanceRacha he had to represent his sub-unit. Han chuckled when Minho's quick scan of the gym left him with some things to be desired and a frown pulled at his lips. "Well, I guess we could do some weightlifting." 

"Benching, or...?" Chan clarified. 

"No, I hate benching. Like Hannie said, I feel like a slice of soggy bread compared to Binnie." 

"I just feel like a piece of soggy bread in general." Han corrected.

"Let's leave the bread analogies to Jeongin." Chan chuckled as he wandered across the room to the weights. Han bent and grabbed his stuff and followed the older members. 

The girl who'd been working out in this corner was just putting her weights back as the four boys approached. "Hello." She casually greeted Chan who made it to the corner first. 

"G'day." He answered in English to match her.

"Oh, you're Australian?" She asked, tucking a strand of blonde hair behind her ear. 

"Born and mostly raised." Chan chuckled, stroking the back of his neck. 

"My husband is from Australia." 

Dang it. Han snapped his fingers in disappointment. She does have a boyfriend. 

"Oh, that's great! Tell him hello from a fellow aussie."

"I will." She grabbed her water bottle off the floor then moved to walk away but stopped and turned back around. "Oh, by the way, some the weights were being weird. I think some are old and broken. Just be careful."

"Thanks." Changbin managed in English, shooting her a thumbs up. 

The girl nodded and left the four boys alone. Now it was just them and the random Gymbro across the room still running like a maniac on the treadmill. Han had to do everything not to get the song stuck in his head upon that thought. 

He set his water bottle down and grabbed a couple lighter weights, starting with some bicep curls. Chan sat down and started stretching with Minho - both still sore from the plane ride. Han glanced over at Changbin who was curling 52lbs weights, huffing out breaths. He glanced down at the pitiful 25lbs in his hands. He moved to put the weights and grabbed 40lbs. He'd regret this later but burning a few extra calories would be worth it. 

I'll lose weight faster this way anyways...

"I hate airplanes." Minho groaned, lying down on the ground, arms out as he bent one leg and rested it on the other knee, turning his hips to the side to stretch his lower back. "They smell funny, there's always so many people, the food tastes like Changbin's cooking..." 

"Yah! Minho hyung!" 

Minho cracked a smile. 

"Hey, look on the bright side, at least after we fly back to Korea we're done with flights for the rest of December." Chan offered, rolling his shoulders in circles. "One more flight." 

"That's one flight too many." Minho huffed, blowing a strand of hair out of his eyes. Han could tell he was joking though. If Minho really wanted to complain, he'd go to Chan or him alone and then sit there waiting for the other to guess what was bothering him. It was the world's worst game. It always went the same way: "Hey, Minho hyung, you okay?" 


"What's up?" 

"I don't know." 

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