Death At A Funeral

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Everyone is filing into the church during a thunderstorm for the Williams family funeral and Madison and her little brother Pierre are outside in the car. Listen Pierre I know your sad about dad dying but you have to be strong for me today,okay? Madison had tried to appear stronger as she spoke to her 13 year old little brother knowing she was feeling lots of pain for the loss of their dad as well. Pierre nodded his head as he wiped the tears from his eyes and got out of the car to head into the church. Madison slowly got out of the car and looked around at some of the people in the neighborhood just standing around looking sick and she ignored it as she locked her car and went inside after Pierre. The two slowly found their seats as the pastor began the service. The other relatives were all in grief over the loss of Madison and Pierre's father and about 35 minutes had gone by when the service was interrupted by loud banging and scratching noises coming from the entrance door. Pastor Greg spoke in a polite tone,"Please disregard that. There is nothing to worry about folks this place is secure and locked down so no intruders can get in." As the pastor came down to say a prayer beside the coffin for the deceased father he rose up and attacked the pastor. As this happened everyone began to scream and run towards the door trampling over anyone who was in there way. As they got to the door and opened it the sick people from outside rushed in and started biting and attacking the people who were in attendance at the funeral.

Pierre began to cry as his family and other family friends were getting bitten by these un-dead looking people and he was in shock that his dad has just risen up as one and killed the pastor. Madison took her brothers hand,"Come on Pierre I am going to get you somewhere safe." The two took off towards the back part of the church as people were dying around them and they ran down a hallway towards the back exit of the church just before opening the door Madison stopped and went into one of the chapel rooms in the church. "What are you doing?" Pierre asked in concern while crying still. Madison took a few seconds to reply as she found a baseball bat in a closet in the room and came back out,"Look Pierre I just found this baseball bat I am going to take this with me so I can protect you from whatever it is that is happening right now. Let's go." Madison took Pierre by the hand and pushed the door open as soon as the two got outside they ran around the side and backed into the wall. Madison stopped and looked at Pierre,"Listen I am going to see if we have a clear path to my car be on the lookout for any of those things okay?" Pierre nodded,"Okay,I will." Madison slowly looked around the corner and saw one of the people crawling on the ground slowly by the car. The rest were still inside finishing off the people that were in the church.

Madison had grabbed Pierre's hand again and the two began running towards the vehicle as they got to the car Pierre quickly got in after he jumped over the crawling un-dead man who tried to grab him. As Madison was approaching the drivers side to get in one of the un-dead had rushed over super fast and started to strike her. As she screamed out loud she tried to reach for the bat but couldn't get a grip on it the un-dead man who was on top of her almost sunk his teeth into her flesh but Pierre had rushed out to grab the bat and proceeded to smash the guy's head in multiple times until he was sure he was dead. Madison was helped to her feet by her brother and the two hugged before they noticed the other un-dead people filing out from the church and they both got in the car and Madison sped off quickly. The un-dead people started chasing after the car and were right on the tail of the car for a brief moment before Madison managed to pull away from them. After getting away from that area Madison took a deep breath and started to cry,"What the hell is going on here? Why did this happen to us today of all days." Pierre was crying as well but he started to calm himself as he watched his sister breakdown at the wheel,"I think those were zombies Madison...I don't think this is a bad dream either."
Madison stared at her brother as the look of fear came across her face,"This can't be real. Zombies are not fucking real. Dad...that,that thing wasn't our father back there he died a week ago that couldn't have been him." Pierre continued watching his sister as she was in denial of the truth about what was going on in their lives right at the moment,"I didn't want to believe it at first sis...but this is the zombie apocalypse and we are right in the middle of it. Dad is one of those things now and we have to deal with the harsh truth." Madison was surprised to hear her little brother speak in such an adult way but she wiped her tears and continued heading down the road,"True...well I don't know where to go but I think we should head home and gather some things before we go anywhere else." Pierre agreed with his sister and the two continued down a long road which would take them directly home. What would lie ahead for them was remained to be seen but Madison was determined to protect her brother at all cost no matter what the threat was.

T.B.C. No Place Like Home

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