Chapter 1

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'It's so boring.' thinks a certain boy, floating in what seems to be the ocean. He sinks deeper and deeper, but makes no attempt to get out.

Ruby:"What's he doing? Why isn't he swimming?!"

'There's no challenge anymore. No colour. Everything is...dull. So boring.'

Yang:"That's the kind of stuff I expect Blake to say."

Blake:"........*preps Gambol Shroud*"


'Maybe I should just kill myself.'

Ozpin:"Do remember children, suicide is never the answer."

'But that'll be more boring.'

Ozpin:"As it would seem our young protagonist here has understood as well."

Underneath the boy, a serpent Grimm was approaching rapidly, a Sea Feilong.

Ruby:"Watch out!"

Yang:"He can't hear you Rubes."

Ozpin:"Truly disheartening, seeing such senseless loss of life."

Cinder:"What an idiot."

Team RWBY glares at Cinder, but are unable to do anything against the rules of this place.

*Snap* The Sea Feilong slams it's jaws shut around the boy as it rises above the water, prey in it's mouth.



Ruby grits her teeth.

Or so it thought.

A painful ripple spreads from its jaws.

Suddenly, *BOOM*, the Sea Feilong's head explodes.

Yang:"Holy shit, was that guy carrying a bomb or something?"

Cinder:"Tch. Well at least his life served some purpose, despite him wasting it."

Ruby:"Hold me back Weiss! Hold me back!" *Adorable attempts to lunge at Cinder*

The boy emerges from the dissolving body and swims back to the coast.

He looks around, before seeing some kids running about.

Despite not having proper clothing on, it didn't seem to bother him.

Yang:"Ooohh, mama likey."

Weiss:" indecent."

Yang:"Don't pretend you're not blushing Ice Queen."

Weiss:"I'm not!!"

"Hey kids." The children stop to look at the weird wet pervert talking to them.

Emerald:"An apt description."

"Do you have any idea where I can find someone strong?"

Ruby:"What kind of question is that?"

Ozpin:"An unhinged one. I have seen such people, who live and die for battle. Maniacs who love the adrenaline."

Qrow:"Yeah, weirdos like that pop up time to time." *Pointedly looks at Tyrian.*

Timeskip- 2 weeks
The boy stands in a crowd, listening to Ozpin ramble on about things he couldn't care less about.

Ozpin:"It wasn't that boring was it?"

Ruby:"To be fair Headmaster, it was kind of boring."

The boy couldn't wait to start and meet the person the children had told him about.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : May 05 ⏰

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