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As the will of the Author spread through the Multiverse, many beings answered it's call, seeking to fulfill it's wishes before any other could.

This lead to a mad scramble between 'gods' to see who could retrieve certain characters first.

As a result,

Many people are dropped unceremoniously in a pile.

"Where are we?"


"I was promised booze!"

"This must be the work of an enemy Stan-*ahem* Semblance!"

"Get your drunken breath away from me you hobo!"


"Shut up Tyrian."

With a flash of light, they are teleported into their respective places, unable to move.







Ruby: "Can someone explain why Professor Ozpin and weird lady are looking at each other like that?"

Yang:"Well Rubes, there's this thing called sexual tension which-"

Summer:"Quiet Yang. Don't corrupt Ruby so early."

Taiyang:"Yeah, what Summer said."


Summer:"What? You're looking at me like I returned from the dead."

Before another argument could break out, everyone turns quiet as an unimaginable will presses against them.

The screen in front of them flickers, before turning on completely.

Just as they were about to see what was on the screen, information was shoved directly into their minds.

Rules of this place and their job here.
To react.

The screen had the words written across it in bold.

Chapter 1

RWBY react to unwritten storiesWhere stories live. Discover now