3|You want to kiss my brother?

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A/N: Hello guys if you are confused why a 8th grader is academic rival with 10th grader let me tell you

In my school there were always 2 groups 5th,6th,7th one group, 8th,9th,10th one group.

So suppose there is a singing competition, first 3 numbers will be given from group one and similarly first 3 numbers will be given from group two.

So that's why 8th grader have to compete with 9th and 10th graders. That's how my school life was.

And let me tell you it is competition!!! Because I don't just want to win, I want to be the 1st everytime! even if I am competing with 9th or 10th grader or be it 5th or 6th grader when I was in 7th

So yes this book will have my experiences as always with a bit of extra drama for entertainment purpose.

I was in a Marathi school and I live in Mumbai so the school competitions I am going to write may differ from place to place


9 pm


I tried to walk down slowly without making any noises and just when I was about to reach the last step.....

"Where are you going?" I heard tye question making me almost startled.

"Uhmm dada te te-" I tried to find some words because my brother was waiting for my answer.
(Uhmm bro-)

He raised his eyebrow in question when I didn't answer.

"Umm I am going to a club with Yuvi" I said slowly almost in a whisper.

"This late? And what are you wearing?" He asked looking at my outfit.

I looked down at my black one peice which was ending just on my thighs.

"Clothes?" I asked confused.

Shaking his head at me he kept his bag and his dirty white shirt on the table.

"Let's go I will join you" he gestured me with his car key towards the door.

"Why, I will go don't worry" I muttered walking towards him.

Stopping just infront of him I had to crane my neck up as he looked down at me.

I was tall okay? It's not my fault he is even taller than burj khalifa!

"Why I can't join you?" He asked in confusion.

"No but you just came, you must be tired and-"

"Doesn't matter I can't let you leave alone at night" He walked towards the dinning table taking a glass of water for himself.

"I will take bodyguards, you don't have to-"

"Yes I know how you will tell them to wait outside, so they won't inform me about your mischief" He gulped the water in one go and kept the glass ok the table with a thud.

"I never-" before I could say anything his stomach grumbled in the empty living room.

I crossed my arms and glared at him.

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