(Chapter 3)(Never leave me again)

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(Chapter 3)(Never leave me again)

(Sirius' p.o.v)

I laid here in my warm bed, with my loving wife. My first night back and I felt like a stranger intruding on my own wife's life and home, and being. I watched her hazel eyes travel my tattooed neck and torso. I smiled at her. "Sorry if all the markings bother you". I say. "It's okay". She says looking up at me. "It's growing on me I think". She says. I smirked. She cuddled up against my chest. "I've missed you". She says. "I miss your hair, where did it all go?" I asked, running my fingers through her shoulder length reddish/brown hair. That used to be at her waist. She smiled. "After I had Orion I couldn't stand the weight of my hair anymore." She says. I nodded understanding, this happened to many women. She wrapped her arms around me. "I think we should try again don't you think?" She asked. "Try what, to have a child?". I asked. She nodded. "I'm too old darling". I say. "Your only 33, come on please". She says. "Whine all you want love it's not happening". I say. She poked out her bottom lip. I sighed. "Please, Sirius". She says. "Maybe another time". I say. She nodded sadly. I kissed her. I held her against me. Her hands traveled up my scarred back. "Don't leave me ever again". She says. "I won't I promise". I say.

Later that night I woke to my beautiful wife naked beside me. "What happened?" I asked. "I got too hot". She says with her eyes still shut. I got on top of her, I kissed her neck. She gasped when my hands found her slender hips.
She giggled when I bit her ear. She had many piercings, in her ears. Two in each lobe , one in the top of each ear. Then in her right ear she had a tragus piercing. Plenty of silver in her ears. She looked into my eyes as I nudged her legs apart. "It'll be okay". I whispered like the first time when we were young. Her 19 and me 21. Our son.. He would have grown up with Harry. I smiled when she wrapped her legs around me. "I trust you". She says. "That's a good thing, hold tight to me". I say. She tangled her fingers in my hair. She gasped when I entered her. She smiled. I kissed her mouth and began to get a rhythm going.

I woke the next morning to my wife's side of the bed empty. I was still in my birthday suit.
"Emmy?" I say sitting up. No answer. I put on my night pants. I picked up my wand, I walked down the hall and into the kitchen. She was cooking breakfast. I smiled. "When are you ever not the stereotypical wife?" I asked. "If you didn't want someone who acts like a wife then you should have married Remus". She says jokingly. I rolled my eyes. "Me and Remus would strangle each other if we had to live together forever, and besides he'd make an ugly woman". I say. She laughed. "I suppose that's true dear". She says.
"How are you feeling this morning love.?" I asked her. "Much better, hopefully last night was a success and well have a little one here in a couple of months ". She says. "I hope so, cause I can't keep doing that, I'm too old." I say. She smirked. "So you say." She says, continuing to cook.

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