three - in which desires are expressed

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Talking to the goblins at the goblin camp had not gone well, and we'd ended up fighting a lot of goblins, an ogre, and a bugbear or two. We were quite drained after the fight, and ended up needing to rest again to be ready for whatever awaited us within the temple ruins they had guarded.

It was risky, so a few of my party members agreed to cycle watches- being so close to more than likely even more goblins. Wyll and Karlach agreed to take first watch, chummy now after their earlier altercation; and Lae'zel demanded Shadowheart keep watch with her on her shift- also having made up after holding daggers at each others' throats. We ate simple provisions that night and drank wine until it came time to put the fire out.

I set up my tent a bit further away from the rest of them, feeling a little silly as Astarion hadn't asked to bite me again, and I hadn't exactly offered either. There was that whole ordeal after we'd found Karlach, after all. It had been difficult to convince Wyll to spare her, but we'd managed. There hadn't been much time to talk about how he was going to feed that night, between that, travel, and the goblins.

I sighed and scratched the back of my neck, inspecting my work. Someone cleared their throat behind me. I startled and turned around, and Astarion stood there- his gaze off to the side though he faced me. He had a hand on the back of his neck and the other on his hip.

"Can I help you?" I asked. He moved his hands so they were folded behind his back and met my gaze. He bowed his head slightly, looking up at me through dark lashes, his silver hair shining in the moonlight.

"I was just wondering," he started. I crossed my arms over my chest as I listened. "I know we haven't discussed it yet, but... I'm not sure what awaits us in there. I- er, would like to be at full strength. Of course, if it's alright with you."

"Are you asking to bite me again?" I said, smirking. Astarion looked away and rubbed the back of his neck again.

"Yes, I would very much like to," he said. I imagined his cheeks would be glowing red if he'd had my blood already freshly coursing through him.

Such a difference in him from the day we'd first met... But he was a vampire. For all I knew, this was all an act to get me to sympathize with him. And it was working.

"Very well," I said. "Just give me a moment."

"Of course," he said with a bow.

I ducked into my tent with my bedroll and pack in my arms, but not before I caught a disapproving look from Gale from across the camp. I flushed; he knew what was about to happen. It wasn't made to be a secret, what we were doing, but it was still embarrassing to be seen right as we were about to do it.

I felt like a schoolgirl talking about sex, thinking like this. I shook my head and cleared my thoughts, spreading my bedroll out. Then I cleared my throat.

"You can come in, Astarion," I called to him.

I got comfortable in my bedroll while he entered, looking up at the ceiling of my tent. He stepped over to me, briefly blocking out the moonlight streaming in through the gap in the flaps before he knelt down. I kept myself from watching him. He positioned himself over me, cradling the back of my head in one hand.

"Thank you, for this," he said quietly. It was then I met his gaze.

"You don't have to thank me every time," I said with an eye roll. Mostly it felt embarrassing to be thanked for something like this. Especially with how much I enjoyed it. Astarion rocked his head from side to side once.

"Yes, well, it just doesn't feel right, if I don't," he said quickly. "After years of eating nothing but- well, rats... This is truly a gift."

"Rats?" I asked. He cursed under his breath, clearly regretting revealing the information to me.

"My- old master, Cazador," he said, still looming over me. "I was never allowed to feed on any- thinking creature. Merely rats. Now, if it's all the same to you, this is actually a matter I'd rather not discuss at the moment."

"Of course," I nodded. I craned my neck, leaning more into the hand that held my head, looking away from that intense ruby gaze.

Astarion hesitated, watching me a moment before lowering himself. I wrapped my arms around him as his mouth found my neck. I sighed when I felt his lips part, the feeling sending a shiver through me. My heart raced in anticipation of his bite. And then his teeth pierced the skin, and the pain- though intense- faded quickly.

I moaned softly, and Astarion made a satisfied sound in the back of his throat as he drank my blood. My fingers gripped onto him tightly. He was careful this time, his legs on either side of me rather than between mine. Did I feel... sad, at this detail? His free hand found its way to my side, resting there gently. The slight sadness melted away to excitement.

I arched my back off the floor, pressing my body up against his anyway. His fingers dug into my side a little, and he gave a long lick to the bite on my neck before taking a deeper drink. It made me moan again, holding tighter onto him. He groaned into my neck, a sound that held a desperate edge to it.

Astarion pulled his mouth from the wound he'd made, instead pressing kisses upward over my unmarred flesh. Some of the haziness from him biting me cleared.

"Astarion?" I gasped.

"I've wanted to do this for a little while," he said against my neck.

His mouth found mine before I could say anything else. His hand on the back of my head pulled me a little deeper into the kiss. My heart pounded loudly in my ears, and my fingers wove into his hair. The kiss was firm, but his lips were soft. I sighed against him, relishing the feeling. I had wanted this as well.

Astarion's lips moved against mine, kissing me again, and I returned it eagerly. The taste of my own blood was still there- but it strangely didn't bother me.

After a moment he pulled away, searching my half-lidded eyes. He gave me one more tentative peck.

"I should let you get some rest now," he whispered. He began to get off of me, and I untangled my arms from around him.

"Of course, good night, Astarion," I said. Though I didn't want him to go.

"Sweet dreams," he said with a smile. And then he left me alone in my tent once more, confused thoughts full to the brim of the vampire spawn.

My fingers flew to my lips. He'd... wanted to kiss me? I shook my head, attempting to clear it. I couldn't stay focused on that; I needed to rest.

In the morning we'd need to deal with any more goblins within the temple ruins, and figure out whether or not master Halsin was still alive. The grove needed him, and I was more than happy to try and reunite them.

Still I couldn't help but wonder what the next night had in store for myself and my vampire friend. I rolled onto my side, arm draped over my eyes. I was in for a rough night.

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