one - we learn there's a vampire among us

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I tossed and turned, flitting between dreams and nightmares. Whether by luck or chance though, the next time I opened my eyes I discovered I wasn't alone. The fire from the center of camp had long since been put out, but I could still see him clear enough within the moonlight streaming into my tent: Astarion, hovering over me in my bedroll, his hands braced on the ground at either side of my head.

"Shit," he muttered under his breath, drawing back. The light of the moon glinted off something- sharp, pointed teeth. My eyes widened. The teeth, the piercing red eyes...

"Astarion...?" I asked, sitting up and leaning back on my hands. My heart was racing.

"I- it's not what it looks like," Astarion said quickly, holding his hands up. He was still keeping his voice low, possibly to keep from waking the rest of our camp. "I just needed- well... blood. I feel so weak. If I could only have a taste..."

I sucked in a quiet gasp, taking him in for what he truly was: a vampire. But how...

"You're a vampire?" I asked quietly. His brows furrowed, unsure if my reaction was positive or negative. "But you've been walking in the sun with us this entire time."

"Vampire spawn," he corrected. "And that- is a very recent development."

"The tadpole," I said immediately. Astarion raised a brow, cocking his head to the side.

"I've no idea," he said. "With this tadpole, it does feel as if someone's bending the rules- someone wants me alive."

I sat up a little further, continuing to marvel at him. Was his insane beauty due to his affliction, or had he always been so handsome? My eyes widened again, and I felt heat rise to my ears and face.

"You can't- you can't read minds, can you?" I asked. A confused look crossed his features momentarily, before amusement replaced it, a light chuckle escaping him.

"Alas, I cannot," he said quietly, and he shifted closer to me. His voice dropped even lower. "But I can hear your heartbeat."

I couldn't decide if that was worse or not, but I felt the heat deepen anyway. I also couldn't tell what I was seeing in his eyes: lust from the heat of the moment, or hunger. I settled on hunger and swallowed nervously. We'd only known each other for less than a week, after all.

I cleared my throat and said, "So, all this time, you've been a vampire? Why didn't you tell me sooner?" He turned his face away, looking at the ground.

"I thought you might end up running a stake through my heart," he admitted. "Most people don't react too kindly to vampires. I needed you to trust me. And you can trust me." He lifted his gaze up to meet mine again. There was an unwavering sincerity there, in his eyes. I raised an eyebrow.

"You're certainly off to a great start, sneaking into my tent to bite me in my sleep," I said, laughter in my voice. Astarion looked away in shame, and I held my hands out. "But I do! Trust you, that is."

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