Part 3

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"We're covering the first day of senior year for Midtown High's most famous students, Peter Parker and Elizabeth Pandora" Betty spoke into the camera "Go get them tiger! Or should I say spider?" She says "The crowd has continued to grow here all m...

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"We're covering the first day of senior year for Midtown High's most famous students, Peter Parker and Elizabeth Pandora" Betty spoke into the camera
"Go get them tiger! Or should I say spider?" She says
"The crowd has continued to grow here all morning long at the Midtown School of Science"a reporter says. The crowd seems evenly decided between supporters of Spider-Man sapphire and protestors." She says
Peter and I walked through the crowd hand in hand
Ned and MJ following behind us.
"Elizabeth! Elizabeth! Elizabeth! We love you!" a man says with a picture of me on his shirt
"Are you gonna have his spider-babies?" He asks me
I ignored all of the yelling and kept walking
"You guys don't belong here. You know that you're murderers right?" Someone yells
"Murderers! Mysterio forever!" People yell
"Do a flip!" Someone says
"Hey let's see you and Elizabeth kiss!" Someone yells
"Back off!" Ned says
"Just leave them alone!" MJ yells
"Who are you?" They ask
"Ned Leeds and MJ. Spider-Man's and sapphire guy and girl in the cha-"  Ned starts to say
"I'm Peter Parker and Elizabeth pandoras best friends" Flash cuts off Ned earning a glare from both of them
"You come at my friends, you come at Flash Thompson. If you wanna read about our inspiring friendship, you can now in my new book Flashpoint. One spider, one jewel, three hearts, and million crazy-ass memories." He tells the crowd
Both Peter and I were stopped at the steps. One guard scanned Peter
"Go" they tell Peter
Then I step up and get scanned
"You're good go" the guard says
"No shit Sherlock not like I wanna bomb this place" I mumble under my breath earning a small chuckle from Peter

Peter and I walked up the stairs to see Mr. Dell, Mr. Harrington, Coach Wilson waiting for us.
"Peter Elizabeth, we would love to welcome you back at Midtown High, where we shape heroes."
Mr. Harrington says showing us what they made.
"Or murderers" Coach Wilson says
"Stop it." Mr. Dell tells him
"It's an honor to serve you, sir and miss" Mr. Harrington says
"It's not. Mysterio was right." Coach Wilson says
"Stop. That's all. Some students put this together for you." Mr. Harrington says
"No, you did that" Coach Wilson says
"I helped a little bit." He tells us
"And I tried to stop you so many times, but you powered through. He did all of that" Coach Wilson tells us
"I hope you have time to stop and check it out" Mr. Harrington says smiling
"Feel free to walk or crawl on the ceiling to avoid everybody. Or fly. We all know you can do it" Mr. Harrington tells us
"Ok..." I say giving them a awkward smile
"We're just gonna..." Peter said as we slowly walk away
"I know what you did." Coach Wilson's says
"Stop it. You're embarrassing yourself." Mr. Harrington hushed him
Peter and I started walking through the crowded hall. Students were everywhere, filming and taking pictures of us

Peter and I sat on the roof sun blaring in our faces. I was reading the magazine of today while Peter just looked up at the sky.
"Can we just stay up here all day? It is so crazy down there." Peter says.
I didn't answer as I was reading the magazine trying not to laugh
"Wait listen to this. Some suggest that Parker's powers include the male spider's ability to hypnotize females which he used to put Pandora  under his spell and into his cult of personality.''
"Stop. Stop" peter says laughing
"Yes, my Spider-Lord." I say in a deep voice
"Here's another one. Others think that Miss Pandora used her mind control on Parker to get him to fall in love with her, or that's how she got him to....murder Mysterio" I say the last part slow not knowing that it would say that
"Hey it's ok Liz. Crazy people say crazy things. I don't believe it and there are other people don't either" he says then I turn to look at him
"It'll be ok, don't worry" he smiles at me
We both start to lean in
"Finally some privacy" Ned says climbing up with MJ
"You ruined their moment" MJ says
"It is so crazy down there." Ned says ignoring her
Ned sat his backpack down next to Peter and MJ next to me
"So I was thinking. When we get into MIT, we should live together" ned says
"Yeah for sure" Peter said
"I'd love that" MJ nods
"Sounds great" I smile
"This is gonna be us." Ned says showing us a picture of college people throwing a frisbee
"Yeah but take out the Frisbee" I say
"Maybe the smiling too" MJ adds
"MIT's obviously the dream, but if we watch up our backup schools, then either way, we'll all be together in Boston. New school, new town. Elizabeth and I can do our superhero duties. I mean they have crime in Boston right?" Peter says
"Yes" MJ says.
"Yeah wicked crime." Ned adds
"It'll be like a fresh start" peter told us
For some reason when Peter said a fresh start I felt very uneasy
"What's wrong?" Peter asks me
"I-I don't know. I just I don't want to get my hopes up. Don't get your hopes up and you'll never get them disappointed" I say
"It's gonna be okay. A fresh new start, where we're all together" Peter says grabbing my hand
"Yeah. No you're right. Fresh start" I smile
We all put our hands in together
"Fresh start." We all say

Throughout the whole week Peter and I got our college papers. So far everyone has rejected us, we were just waiting on MIT

May comes barging in with two envelopes
"Last one" she says
"MIT?" Peter asks

Peter and I quickly made our way to where MJ works.
We walked in and immediately MJ at the counter holds her envelope, Ned doing the same
We walk over to Ned holding the envelopes

"Ok" MJ says
"Jones! I thought I told you to take down the Halloween decorations." The owner yells
"Actually, that was Sasha so-" MJ starts to say but gets cut off
"Enough attitude. Just do it." He says
"On it." MJ sigh
"I feel like I'm gonna puke" ned says.
"Don't because he will just make me clean it" MJ tells him
"This is our only shot. It's here or nowhere." Ned says
"Hey. Come on" peter says
"You guys ready?" I ask
"Yeah" they all say
"Ok." We all count down then open them
I read the note and sigh in disappointment. I didn't get in.
I look at them seeing their faces
"No." MJ mumbles
"No. You?" Peter says 
"No." Med answers
"Liz?" MJ asks
"In light of recent controversy, we are unable to consider your application and endanger the lives of other students in our campus" I read from my note
"This is so not fair. I mean this is so not fair. I didn't do anything wrong. You guys definitely didn't do anything wrong." Peter says
"Don't get your hopes up and you'll never get them disappointed" I say the same words again

"No sleep till Boston!" Flash says coming through the door
He looks at all of our faces
"You guys didn't get in?" He asks
"No because we're actually friends with Spider-Man and sapphire" Ned tells him.
"Uh yeah. I better get going. There's a mixer for new admissions and-Sorry guys." He says walking out
"Jones what are you doing?"MJ's boss yells
"Get back to work." He adds
"Yeah, I'm coming. You know what?" MJ says and tears her paper
"I wouldn't change a thing" she says
"Me neither" Ned says ripping his paper
"Although I do need to show this letter to my parents." He says picking it back up
Ned left and MJ went back to work
"Well that's that then. Time to move on" I say keeping my tears down
"Lizzie, it's ok to be hurt by what they said. They just don't understand" Peter tells me
"Yeah well shit happens. Imma take a walk. I'll see you back at the apartment" I tell him before walking off

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