Even if they weren't really caught doing something, the position the two were in was quite questionable. 

George was underneath Dream who still had his hands on his waist. 

"I'm just gonna go..", Sapnap whispers as he points at the direction he came from. 

"L-Let's um go. My dad is waiting", Dream stutters as he got up to his feet. But then reaches down to help the other up. 

"Your dad's training with us?" 

"Well he's kinda gonna be the one training us" 

"Oh okay. Makes sense" 

The two them walk out the room and make their way down to the basement. 

"A whole gym was down here the entire time?", George asks out loud once they reached the bottom of the stairs. 

"Yeah, it surprised me too. I had no idea until I joined the team" 

"There you two are! Alright now that we're all here, let's get started", Peter announces as he claps his hands together.  

"And I thought when you and Sapnap were training me was difficult", George pants. He then slumps himself on a weight bench Dream was seated next to on the group. 

"I told you he was gonna work our ass off", the blond chuckles while wiping his face with a towel.  

"Oh come on! You guys are a bunch of whimps!", Sapnap calls out from the mat the brunette was just on. 

"You still got some left in you kid?", Peter laughs. 

"Hell yeah!" 

"Okay, George get up" 

"What! Me again!?" 

"You are still an amateur. You're gonna need all the training you can get" 

"Yeah George you're a noob" 

"Shut up! and fine..", George sighs before taking one last drink of his water. He meets the younger on the mat and they both get into their ready positions.  

"3...2...1...go!", Peter shouts. 

Sapnap then shoves George without warning, making them both fall to the ground. George went to go punch the other in the face but he pins his wrist down before he could. 

"You're too easy", Sapnap laughed. 

George growls as he stared up at the beta above them. 

"Aww no need to get all bitchy George. It's not my fault you suck ass" 

The brunette growls again but unknowingly sneaking his foot upwards, kicking the other in the stomach. Sapnap groans as he got pushed back. 

George quickly gets up and tackles the beta. He smirked as he held Sapnap by the throat, his claws out of Peter's view. 

"That's how I know you suck. You have to cheat in order to beat me", Sapnap snarled. 

"I'm not even hurting you. Quit whining", George says as he tighten his grip slightly. Sapnap grabs his's wrist, his claws also threatening to pierce his skin. 

The brunette was too busy glaring at the other. He forgot to pay attention to the pressure he had on Sapnap's neck. One of his claws sink into his skin.  

The beta quickly reacts, punching the omega right in the nose. 

"What the fuck!", George yells as he falls back. He pulls his hand away from his face to see blood covering his hand. 

"You broke my nose you prick!", he shouts again. 

"And I'll do it again!" 

George growls and scratches Sapnap across the face. 

"Ohh you're gonna get it now bitch!" 

They then grab each other by the shoulders, throwing the other around. 

Peter sighs as he pitches his nose bridge. 

"Sapnap-", Dream began to say when he got up to break the two up. But his dad stops him with his hand. 

"Leave them", he says. 

"But they're gonna literally kill- "

"As much as their fury is up front. They're not stupid enough to actually kill each other" 

"I swear it's always you two", Maggie mutters while she finished up cleaning the brunette's left over blood. 

"I will admit I took it too far so I'm sorry but I for one wasn't the one who started it.", Sapnap grumbled, crossing his arms. 

"It was an accident. I did't mean to actually hurt you", George exclaims. 

"The least you can do is apologize then"  


"What do you mean why? First off you're the one who started it, don't even lie. And second I already did so now it's your turn"

"That's..stupid", George mumbles. He then gives a quick glance to a blond who was by the door typing away on his phone. 

"It's not stupid. It's human decency", Sapnap says as he raises a brow at the other. 

"I-I just don't see the point. It's not like it's gonna change anything. And besides you already know I'm sorry" 

"Well yeah but you can't go around doing shit and automatically think people know you're sorry. The absence of sorry is just gonna make you look like a dick"  

"I..don't mean to seem that way.." 

"I know but it wouldn't hurt you to say it once and awhile", he says softly, trying is best to not make the other feel bad. 

"Um can you both hand me your shirts so I can throw them out?", Maggie speaks up. The two then slip off their teared up shirts. 

Despite Sapnap being the one closest to the door, George was the first one out. 

"What happened?", Dream asks when he notices the tension in the air. 

"Not really..my place to tell", the beta responds as he walked out the room. 


1392 words

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