1. going to italy .

86 1 0

'darling you have to get there in time remember?don't be late'

'Yes i know that alex'

'thank you. Now are you at the airport?'

'Yes i'm at the airport anything else you wanna know??'

'No that's it and don't dissapoint me angel'

'I promise i won't'

'Thank you.'

Goshh it's always the same with my boss alex.. he always wants to check on me when i'm traveling it's so annoying sometimes.. like last time when i went to holland, amsterdam for an interview he did the same as he did calling me to check in on me ughh..  

anyways i forgot to tell you something about me , so here we go , i'm engelina but everyone calls  me darling or  en , i'm 27 years old and i work for the most famous  magazine in england the spectator and  in my  work life there are no rules ,  absolutely nothing    and people ofent think i'm a weirdo when i tell them i have no rules in my work life but i think it's way more fun because it's a  part of my job  Like for example during interviews i always try to dig deeper when i ask people  Questions   it makes me feel more
alive can i say that? ... I don't know  Loll .

Okay soo what now ? Oo yes looking from wich gate  my plane is leaving let's see... uhhmm... o there it is rome italy my next destination..

Let's go.



I didn't liked the short story so i tought why not post this new one :) loll


Happy new year everyone❤️🍾✨

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