1. Making the right decision.

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I did such a stupid thing! Everything is falling apart and I'm the one making it worse. I wish i could talk to Lucy about that..

,,Jackie?" Uncle Richard cwas knocking on my door.

,,Come in!" He opened the door and he was smiling.

,,Are you okay?" He asked me. I wanted to say no but what will he say to me? The only two people that i could talk about everything and they wouldn't judge me.. Well. One is dead which is my sister and the other one is probably somewhere in jail.

,,Yeah I'm" i smiled at him but i wanted to scream. Please god make my life better than this mess..

,,Well i have a surprise so stop being so sad" he laughed and i laughed too because i didn't even know what to say. He opened to door to reveal my cousin. The second most trusting person in my life. Well she's first now. I screamed and jumped in her arms. I don't care how it looks i had a shitty year and i needed her. I don't know where she was but i will find later.

,,Where is my favorite cousin?" She laughed and i laughed with her. Even her laugh makes me happier.

,,I'm here" I said and she smiled. I knew she wanted to talk to me like right now by the way she smiled.

,,Uncle Richard? I need to talk to Jackie" sme smiled at him and he smiled back.

,,Sure. If you need anything i'll be in my office"

,,So? Who's gonna speak first" She asked me and i looked at her. She looks tired but pretty like always.

,,Start" I said and we sat on my bed. She smiled at me and hugged me.

,,I'm so sorry I wasn't here for you. I really am. It's just since i left everythings have been harder. I had a boyfriend his name is Nick. He cheated on me and then i dumped him but he didn't wanted to so i couldn't go without him spying on me. I really loved him and I didn't care that I'm young or something that people think. He broke my heart. He didn't cheat on me once but multiple times and I wouldn't even know if Jayden didn't told me. You know Jayden his best friend that was actually the only real friend. He didn't leave me alone for 3 whole months even when i told him we're not together anymore he still thought that we were. So when we were at a party one time I kissed a guy because I wanted to and Nick got mad and started to punch him so hard that the guy almost die. No joke. Nick was arrested I didn't hear from him since that which was like 7 months ago. Than i just wanted to continue with my life but in school everyone was saying things that didn't happend. Like i slept with him and a lot worse things than that... There's actually more umm.." We didn't see eachother for two years when she moved from New York to LA and now I'm hearing this? She doesn't need to tell me I know that she was thinking about me the whole time but she just needed time to heal. I never had a broken heart. It's nôt that everybody likes me it's that i never liked anyone before Alex and Cole.

,,One time... He punch me so hard I ended up in a hospital. I was okay but i was in pain. Like in PAIN. I forgave him but i know i shouldn't. Than i was just homeschooled and... Yeah. Than my mom and dad decided that they had enough of this bullshits so we came back. Like two weeks ago but you weren't here and I didn't know what to do. So I'm Happy you're here and we're together like the old times" She smiled at me and I wanted to cry. Her first love was terrible and I'm here complaining about something that si completely my fault? I hugged her because I know she doesn't need words to make her feel better she just needs a hug.

,,Okay it's okay. I moved on I'm okay. I don't hate guys or anything because that's not how it should be. Not every guy is the same. So tell me what brings you back?" I told her everything that happend. From the beginning till the end. Her face was changing every minute which was funny but i know she already likes them even if she doesn't actually know them. She didn't judge me when I told her the reason I came back. She was looking at me and smiling.

,,Jackie I understand everything. Alex is perfect guy. But Cole is perfect for you. To be honest I don't know what to think really but I know that the fact that you kissed Cole means you love HIM. Because I know. I know how you were before things happend. You told me that Alex kissed you many times but YOU kissed Cole. You wanted to kiss him you did the first move. Jackie, my beautiful smart cousin PLEASE actually think about what I said. You know I'm saying the truth. Maybe you will hurt Alex but it's better than not being happy or not giving them and explanation why you left and why you kissed Cole" the way she said it made me realized she's right. I need to make things right.

,,I love you and I missed you"

,,Same Jackie, same" She smiled and hugged me. I'm glad i got her back.

,,Sooo come one I want ice cream" She dragged me to kitchen. I froze when I saw Cole in the kitchen with Danny.

,,Hi" Cole and Danny said while Valentina smiled.

,,Hi boys" she smiled at them. ,,Jackie you didn't tell me they were hot" She said like it's nothing and I laughed.

,,Oh my... Thats Cole and Danny by the way and thats Valentina my cousin" The were all smiling at eachother while I was looking at Cole.

,,You two should talk cuz the tension.. fuuu" I smiled and dragged Cole out if the kitchen to my bedroom. I saw Danny and Valentína laughing.

,,What are you doing here?" I asked Cole.

,,Well I wanted to see you. Why did you leave?" He asked me and I didn't even know what to say. Oh yeah Jackie maybe say the truth?

,,We kissed but I'm technically still with your brother... Wait. Does he know about us kissing?" When I asked he laughed.

,,I didn't told him but he knows that something happend. Jackie... I know you like me maybe you like Alex too. I don't want to hurt him but I like so much that I just can't let you go. I Can not want you" He said while he came closer to me. I didn't wait and close the gap between us and started kissing him.

,,This is going to be hard" I said knowing already what's going to happen.

,, I'm going to sleep so Cole leave" Valentina came into my room like a storm.

,,What. Why?" He asked and She laughed.

,,Well blondie I'm tired that's why people sleep. Also you are using my room so you can sleep because Danny didn't wanted to share.. that jackass.. That's why I need to stay in Jackie's room. So take your virginity with you cuz you ain't hitting anything tonight" Cole looked like he wanted to laugh and he did. Then me and Valentina started laughing too.
The next morning:

I told Valentina everything and She understand my decision. I told her I want her to come with me and she said it's not a good idea because there isn't any space for her left. Danny and Cole didn't agree with her and they called Katherine. They said everything to her and Katherine said she would love to meet Valentina. Valentinas parents agreed to let her go with me which was little bit surprising but I know that they want us to be together like family. So now Valentina is gone packing her things and I'm with Cole and Danny in the kitchen. Also me and Cole are together. I feel good but I'm also scared. I don't want to hurt Alex but I can't hurt myself and Cole for something I don't want to do. For being with Alex.

So I made this chapter from Jackie's point of view because that's how it should be. But don't worry this story will be Valentina's (yours) pov. Enjoy!

His Valentine | Isaac Garcia - MLWTWBWhere stories live. Discover now