》CHAPTER SEVEN, a thousand and one letters

Start from the beginning

Gunthor told me that Rhea had loved me dearly. He reminds me of that almost every day. It makes me sad that I never got to know her. I would've liked to know her, to truly know her as a mother. But I suppose that if she'd lived longer, I wouldn't love Laena as a mother in the way that I do now. I can't imagine a life without her.

Enough melancholy. I should stop while I'm ahead.

Onto another subject, how is your Valyrian? Do you still need my tutelage, or have you impressed the Dragonkeepers?

All my best,


Dear Alayne,

I am pleased for your cousin's news, congratulations are in order.

I hope that your nameday was exactly as you imagined it. Did you get the gift I sent? What other gifts did you receive?

Everyone here is well, I guess. Aegon is becoming unbearable. Just because he's taller doesn't mean that he can push me around. I do hope I grow taller than him one day.

I am sure that you have done nothing to Willam. If anything, he is probably still sore from you beating him in cards last week. My advice is to whack him in the head and see if it knocks some sense into him.

I've yet to see a crypt in person since it is the Targaryen tradition to cremate their dead. Are they terribly frightening? I asked my mother what crypts were like, and she said that I shouldn't talk about such morbid subjects. Would you mind telling me instead?

As for who you look like, I can definitely see some Valyrian. But when your cousins came for you, I saw that you and Robar had similar noses if I remember correctly. Or was it Willam? The angles are the same.

My Valyrian is coming along just fine, thank you. I've not spoken to the Dragonkeepers very much since I only observe, and if they do speak to me, they speak in the Common Tongue.

But if you want to continue tutoring me, I would be very grateful.

Your friend,


Dear Aemond,

Thank you for your congratulations, but I regret to inform you that a week after receiving Myranda's letter, Jakob wrote to say that she lost the child. We are completely bereft and are in need of prayers.

My nameday was as I expected, which was a festive occasion. I received many books, for my family knows my love of knowledge. My parents and sisters sent a sapphire necklace and earrings to match my ring, so I have a complete set now! Gunthor gave me my mother's bronze armor, the one that has been passed down for generations. I am too small to wear it now, but I will fit into it in a few years. Gerold also allowed Lamentation to be given to me early, though I am not allowed to wield it yet. I did hold it though, and it wasn't as heavy as I thought it would be.

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