The beggining ~Introductory Part

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Isha's POV

Phone bell rings

I answered,
"Yes mumma, everything is fine.. I had my lunch and on my way to hostel and will surely inform you after I reach there..
Now tell had lunch?"

She chuckled and replied "yes we had"

"You didn't even let me ask the questions everytime"!

"These are the everyday basic questions mumma.. ofc I know you call me everyday and ask the same things regularly"

"Yes yes.. now don't act oversmart.." she teasingly said
"And I was asking you when are you coming home for winter vacations?"

"Maybe 23-24 dec " I replied

"Ok..come soon and tell me 2 days before I'll send your father ..ok?"

"Okay mumma"

"And I'm sending your birthday presents recieved by me by courier...they'll reach you by tommorow"

"Ok mumma"

" don't be on call while walking.. be carefull and focused call me when you reach there"

"Okay ...bye mumma"

View from her room~

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View from her room~

          *** Isha's POV ***

It was midnight and I couldn't I started to open the presents send on my birthday one by one..

My eyes felt on a present which was big enough and wrapped with a pastel colored paper and I can't hold myself and opened it..
There were headphones inside it!

I was willing to get a new one soon..and a thought of connecting them and listening to songs crossed  my mind.. I started my music playlist and entered the world of my own

for me, next to Love, Music is the best solution for everything and is a need day is incomplete without listening to music
I didn't even realize when I slept listening to them..

It was around 3 am at night and I suddenly woke up as I heard a terrible scream of a man 

"Ahh..hh..!!! L-leave me!"

It shook me down my spine it was insanely horrible as there are no mans or family who lives nearby our hostel there is no one other than girls and a warden and I realised it was from my headphones..
I got so shocked and I threw them away from me on another corner of my bed

My heart started to beat even faster...I've curled my knees upto my eyes closed and have putted my hands on my ears....after a min I was so confused and thought to check if it was a nighmare or the voice was coming from my headphones...I tighten my fist and fearlessly put out those headphones on again

"Pleasee p..ppleasee leave me I'm your gg..grandfather how can you k-kill me..??"

"I don't care who you are now"

"Ahh..!!  leave me pleaseee.. I..I-will give anything you want to you..I..I p-promisee prop..erties my bussiness anything you want ...Just show s-some mercyy"

"You can't give me what I want !"

"What I miss, you can't even imagine closer to what I feel...
You have taken my whole world from me and didn't even gave a single thought after committing the sin !!
You didn't felt mercy on anyone you are so cruel !"



I threw them away from me again and I shivered.
didn't knew what was it ...t..the voices I heard were sharp and creepy...
It chilled me down my spine and I had no clue what to do
I called my warden and my friend in my hostel but they didn't picked up the call maybe they were sleeping..
I called again within a gap of 10 mins but no response was shown and I didn't dared to kept my feet down my bed and go out

I can't sleep the whole night and was sitting at the edge of my bed hugging my pillow breaths were tumultuous and tears kept streaming down my face..goosebumps over my body as his voice again and again keeps crossing my mind

The next morning I heard a knock on my door, It was my warden's voice

Isha..Open the door!"

"Why were you not there for the breakfast??"

"Open the door isha..!"
"Isha are you Allright??? ...Please reply isha..!!???"

Thud* thud*

"You even called in the are making me scared now...isha please reply is everything okay..?"

"Yes..yess!"  I replied
She felt a bit relieved

"Then open the door..."

I opened the door

"Your father also called he is coming to take you home today!"

"You were sleeping Right?"

"Yes" I replied

"Why did you called me in the night?"

"You didn't heard any voices?" I asked her 

"No..! Why? What kind of voice?" She replied

"A man's scream !"

She laughed..."A man's scream???"

"You know there are no man in this area
It's only our hostel in this area and girl's in our hostel"

"You had a nightmare?? Isn't it?"

I shooked my head a little

"Okay leave this thought and get ready quickly...have your breakfast your dad will reach here by 11.."


What were those voices tho?

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