Confused, I watched him walk away, until he rounded the corner of the restaurant and was gone. Goodnight to you too, I guess. Those last moments kept me in place. Hand propped on the broom, I mindlessly leaned against my car, lost in thought. Why did he become so uncomfortable and leave all of a sudden?

Even more pressing... were his last words about facing fears. I tried piecing it together. The man refused to admit he cared and had a heart. But he allowed a silent admission with that glint in his eyes.

It hit me with a warm flutter in my heart. Peter gave me a thrilling night to cheer me up. To do so, he forced me to face my fears. He flew off with me a few times. He took me to the top of a dilapidated lighthouse. He got a kick out of how close that wolf got before flying off again. It truly was a night of facing my fears. But he wasn't just talking about me. After all... when did this man ever act happy and open around me? When did he ever do something that thoughtful? When was he ever that patient and fun? Never.

Yes, tonight was meant as a fun distraction from my issues. He at least told me that. But it was a distraction for both of us. It was fun for both of us. It was a relief from his anxiety too (like Jamie being gone). More than anything... we both stepped outside our comfort zones. For him, it was just internal. I don't know why tonight of all nights those walls finally started to fall... but I think he knowingly decided to face that fear tonight. And that's why he was so different. He allowed himself to be. Just like I allowed him to fly me through the sky while being afraid of heights.


The next day, I had nothing on my agenda. I wasn't too happy about it either.

I've been using my job and scholarships as a distraction for my stressors. Then Peter one-upped those pitiful distractions with an amazing one: a night of fun, flying, and facing-fears. Today though, I was completely free. I had nothing planned, I wasn't working, and I could only take so much college prep before my brain wanders off and dies. So, I had to figure out something. Anything to not dwell on my bullshit, my mom's bullshit, and worst of all, Jamie. He was still gone. Still at the disposal of those awful people....

For how antsy I was, running sounded like a good distraction. Not to mention I actually enjoyed it. After putting on spandex shorts and a loose gray tee, I studied myself in the mirror. I looked over my ruby necklace, my dark thick brows I just plucked, and my now tamed curls in a pony-tail. My god, it was annoying how much product my hair demanded, just to keep the frizz-level low.

When I headed downstairs, Liz and David were still engaged in their early morning routine of coffee and chit-chat at the round dining table. As I passed the living room and neared where they sat in the kitchen, it was the usual picture. Coffee, scattered papers, and an open laptop in front of one of them. There was something different though...

David zeroed in on my bare legs. "There we go, Josephine, there we go. Show off that merch," he said with a smile, sipping his coffee.

"Morning, Jos," she said, not looking away from her laptop.

"Good morning," I said, grabbing a muffin from the pantry, raising a brow. "What's with the wine?" There was what seemed to be a wine gift-set on table. Under the pretty plastic-wrap, tied with pink ribbon, was a bottle of wine, two matching wine glasses, and a card with a bold words 'My Amazing Realtor.'

"Oh, I found that was on the porch this morning. Isn't that sweet?" she said happily. "Shows you what a damn good real estate agent I am. I wish I knew who it was from though; they forgot to sign it."

"Well, you do have a lot of dumbass clients," David teased.

"True. I just wish I knew which dumbass to thank," Liz snorted, looking to me. "How's the scholarship stuff going?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2023 ⏰

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