Who are you?

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Sophie had been here for weeks now, still unsure of her place in Howl's moving castle ; was she allowed to stay or not? Maybe once Howl began to acknowledge her presence, she would know.

In her time, so far, she had met quite the cast, in her opinion.

A crackling fire demon, a polite fifteen year old boy apprenticing under the heart eating Howl himself, and a girl. A girl with an accent similar to Howl's, but a quiet one. She seemed to prefer staying in her room for the most part.

Sophie had asked the girl if she could do magic. She shook her head.

Sophie had asked the girl why she didn't try to clean up around the place. "Howl wouldn't notice," she had muttered.

So, Sophie wondered why this pretty girl was staying in his moving castle, if not as a maid or as an apprentice? Surely, she wasn't someone he was preparing to eat the heart of? Because if he was, wouldn't he have done it already?

But eventually, Sophie's goal had become less of trying to figure out who this girl was but instead trying to bond with her. And she had to admit proudly, that she found herself being quite successful.

When Sophie had first arrived, you were quite curious, along with Micheal. But you wouldn't say a word. Micheal did all the talking, all the ushering to get Sophie out of Howl's castle - which was actually extremely small. You didn't crack a smile, and when she did manage to get a word out of you, it was in a quiet voice.

Even Micheal wouldn't say anything about you.

"At the very least, you could tell me how old she is?"

"She's 25," Micheal huffed. "Would you lower your voice now?"

When Sophie had first met Howl, you had stayed in your room the entire time. As she passed Howl the bacon and eggs, she overheard Howl mutter to Calcifer. "Where is she?"

"Awake, but not leaving her room. She must've heard you."

Howl seemed to smile to himself before turning to Sophie and thanking her for what she passed over.

You would only come downstairs when Howl had retreated into the bathroom or had gone through the black door, which Sophie was still very curious about.

Sophie was most successful when she had started cleaning to prove her helpfulness to Howl.

Micheal and Calcifer had screamed in horror at her behaviour, but your eyes widened and your lips twitched as you were clearly holding back a wide smile. "Y/N! Stop her!"

Sophie grinned as she noticed you bite your cheek to hide the smile, before looking over at the boys. "I'm sorry, I respect my elders. I'll be going to my room."

Every time you opened your mouth, you would immediately retreat, which hurt Sophie's goal of bonding with you. But she finally had a longer conversation with you when Sophie worked on the gruelling task of cleaning the bathroom.

You opened the door but paused and stuttered as you saw Sophie scrubbing away. "What's... are you cleaning?"

"Why, yes!" Sophie smiled, a crooked smile. You narrowed your eyes on her. Sophie still had no idea of figuring out what you were thinking. She wasn't a witch or a mind reader or anything, but usually it wasn't so hard.

You looked around a little, looking over at the containers with crazy labels, which were still untouched by Sophie. "Just... be careful about putting things back," you reminded her.

"Of course, of course," Sophie nodded absentmindedly. She suddenly raised her head up to you. "Did you want to use the bathroom?"

"Oh, no, no," you chuckled slightly, shaking your head. "No, I'll use my own bathroom."

"You have your own bathroom?"

Your lips pressed into a thin line. "Howl and Calcifer made it for me in our room."

"Oh," Sophie nodded. "Why'd you come down here then?"

You smiled shyly. "I was wondering where you were."

"Ah... thank you for checking in."

You nodded, muttering a quick good luck, before shutting the door.

But Sophie was still processing something.

Micheal had told her that there were two rooms upstairs. One for himself and one for Howl. And you had just said our room... so did you... sleep in the same room as Howl?

So now, Sophie had reverted back to her original question.

Who were you?

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