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He was dragging her with him .....she tried hard to explain but was he ready to listen no...he opened the door and pushed her inside while her tears were falling like an open tap.....

He came closer and she stumbled back while he held her arms and jerked her closer....his angry eyes met her teary eyes...somewhere in his heart was feeling hurt to see his love cry....but does he really love her.....

"Why did you run..?" He spoke near her lips.... she pushed him and said "I am tired....I am freaking tired of you treating me like shit....."

He closed his eyes in frustration and said "please I said sorry..." She scoffed and harshly wiped her tears and spoke "your sorry can't fix the damaged caused HAMZA ZAIN"

"Tell me what do you want.....do you want me on my knees....I'll do it..." He said ...his tone had that desperateness and uneasiness as the fear of her leaving his life was bigger than dying....

"I want divorce Hamza..." She harshly said....not knowing that she is waking up the beast he had always hidden in himself...

"Say that again and I won't hesitate to tie you with that bed and fuck your brains out...." He said as anger took over him....he tried to close the distance but she backed away....

"This is what you want right you just want my body...not my soul....you just want me as you are drowned in lust ....." She said crying heavily....

"I FUCKING LOVE YOU .....NAME MY LOVE LUST ONE MORE TIME AND I'LL ACTUALLY TELL YOU WHAT LUST IS.." he shouted causing her to flinch badly....his eyes softened and he said "love please I really love you...."

"You don't Hamza .....you love Zaheen not me...." She said as she was abt to have a breakdown but she didn't want to seem weak infront of him....

"I don't....and I love you .... It was just a misunderstanding baby please try to understand me ...." He said softly trying to convince her.....but she wasn't ready to listen her next words made him feel like he has been stabbed multiple times....

"W-we aren't made for each other Hamza......you be happy with someone else and I can be happy with him...."

The mention of him made Hamza lose all his cool and he closed his eyes to control himself to remind her that she belongs to him not to that bastard ....

He then said "do NOT ever think of leaving me....."

"Why ....you, be happy with your so-called girlfriend and let me be happy as well..."She said as she got frustrated with all the arguments ...

"At least he will take care of me rather than you..." her next words made him see red and the thought of killing him was crossing his mind again and again....

"you are mine" he said while stepping towards her...

She stepped back "don't you ever fucking forget this....you can't leave me Tuba .....I swear if you do I will kill each and every person u decide to stay with....you can't let anyone have the honour to ruin you....it's only my right........."

"You can't cage me Hamza.." she said trying not to look scared but fear was visible on her face ......

"I can and I will .....What made you think you can get away from me...... I am that man who will love you like a blessing and will hunt you like an imprecation that will neither let you live nor let you die ...."

"T-this is toxic Hamza I won't be happy with you ...." She said trying to push him ......

"Look me in my eyes and tell me you won't be happy with me....and I'll leave you without any hurdles ...." He said knowing damn well she is as in love with him as he is ......

Her back hit the wall...and he caged her in between while she kept her hands on his chest...to prevent him from coming closer..."p-pls y-you aren't in your mind.... You don't love me ....y-you don't mean it ....."

She tried not to stutter......"I fucking am....in my right mind.....how dare you to leave me huh....and how dare HE touched you.......did you forget that you are tied with me.....you are TUBA HAMZA ZAIN....you are mine Tuba.... fucking mine..."

his eyes radiating the rage and anger he is trying to control...."i-i ain't an object Hamza" she said trying to maintain her composure.....

"you ain't an object I know...... you are a fucking person I know.....but you should know tht you belong to me....the day you signed those papers ....your fate is written with me Tuba Hamza zain....you are making me take lives instead of saving .....and I won't complain....for you I can take thousands of lives.....I don't give a shit....if making you happy means killing....I will gladly do it ....."

Their both lips were just inches apart from meeting ....she was afraid of his wrath...and he was afraid of her getting afraid....both were drowning in each other....both were letting their emotions speak by their silence.....

"Tell me Tuba if you want me on my knees....tell me if you want me to beg .....tell me if you want me to fucking die....but I beg you don't leave me.....this will be more painful than death...." He said as his tears were streaming down....he joined his forehead with hers and ....she was letting him do that maybe.....she also can feel his pain...his agony....when she ran away....she can feel....how his heart peirced.....he was making her feel his emotions....which were making her.....weak .....

"Y-you d-dont l-love me Hamza....you left me that day ...." She said as she hid her face on his chest crying heavily.......

"I know I am such a jerk....pls baby I am so sorry....slap me....punch me.....kick me.....but please don't say that I don't love you....it hurts baby it hurts....it was never my intention to leave you....baby I know I should've stayed with you......but after that night I needed time to understand my feelings for you....and when I did....you were gone.....that peirced my heart.....I felt like someone just killed me millions of times.....you scared the life out of me.....I'll die.....without you.....I know this might sound cringe....but what is truth is truth....I will really die without my little bird...."

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