Chapter 11

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Author's Note: Hello everyone! I hope you all enjoyed your holidays with family and friends! I have a special surprise for you all... I started an Instagram account dedicated to this series! On there I will be posting completed books, updates/news, and if anyone is interested, fan art! The account username is with a profile picture of Pinestar from the updated Ultimate Guide! Give it a follow if you wish!

Sandstar emerged from the forest near Sunningrocks and paused to taste the air. The sun was rising behind him, sending long shadows from the forest toward the river. Several days had passed since Darkstripe had left Thunderclan, and so far the patrols had not brought any news of her, nor of Shadowclan cats in the territory. But the memory of Sandstar's dream was still too sharp for him to believe that the threat from the territory beyond the Thunderpath was over.

Silverstream and Blossomfall padded out of the trees behind him. "Smell anything?" Silverstream asked.

Sandstar shrugged. "Only Riverclan cats. No more than I'd expect, this close to the border. But I want to make sure that they haven't been near Sunningrocks."

"We'll renew the scent markings," meowed Silverstream. "Come on, Blossomfall."

While his friends disappeared into the gullies among the rocks, Sandstar remained where he was, carefully drawing the air over his scent glands. Though he was worried about Shadowclan, he had not forgotten Riverclan or their ambitious leader, Leopardstar. He had tried to retake Sunningrocks not long before, and Sandstar would not be surprised if he decided to try again.

Not many moments passed before he detected fresh Riverclan scent. Instantly suspicious, he padded around the base of the rocks, only to relax a few moments later as he caught sight of Blackclaw. She was alone, crouched at the very edge of the river, and as Sandstar watched she scooped a fish out of the water and killed it with one blow of her paw.

"Well done!" Sandstar called.

Blackclaw turned, saw him, and padded up the gently sloping bank as far as the border. Sandstar went to meet her there, glad to see that she still looked friendly in spite of the way she had left the Thunderclan camp. But he noticed with alarm that Blackclaw was much thinner than when he had last seen her, and he wondered if something bad had happened following the revelation that Oakstar had been her mother.

"How are you, Blackclaw?" he meowed. "I hope there hasn't been any trouble."

"About me and Stonefur?" Blackclaw replied, guessing his thoughts. She hesitated. "Stonefur told the Clan the truth about Oakstar," she meowed at last. "Some of them didn't like it. One or two of them won't talk to us at all now, and most of them are a bit uneasy with us."

"I'm sorry to hear that," Sandstar mewed. "What about Leopardstar? Has he said anything?"

"I could tell he wasn't pleased. He supported us in front of the Clan, but I think he has an eye on us all the same, to make sure we're still loyal."

"Of course you're loyal!" Sandstar exclaimed.

"Yes, and the rest of the Clan will realize it sooner or later. Besides..." Blackclaw paused again, and then went on. "That isn't the worst of our problems."

"What do you mean?"

"Goldenstar." Blackclaw shivered. "He visits Leopardstar regularly, and i can't work out why. I'm sure they're planning something."

A jolt of fear shot through Sandstar. "Planning what?"

Blackclaw twitched her ears. "I've no idea. Leopardstar hasn't told Stonefur, even though she's his deputy. But there are a couple of Shadowclan warriors stationed permanently in our camp."

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