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As Y/n woke up the next day with Rachel by his side, the warm glow of victory still lingered.

However, the mood shifted as he checked his phone to find a text from his mom expressing excitement for him and mentioning the parade at 12:30.

Beside the supportive message from his mom, Y/n's phone displayed a text from James, a mixture of love and a tinge of playful rivalry. "I love you and excited for you, but I'm not celebrating. This is just after Michigan lost to TCU, like really TCU, could have seen them beat you again 😔."

Y/n sent a text back to James, "I wanted to play them, beat them, and shut you the hell up about the comeback."

Waking up beside Y/n, Rachel suggested, "Let's take a shower together," and a shared smile confirmed their agreement.

After their refreshing shower, Y/n decided to call his mom. "Hey, Mom, just wanted to let you know I'll see you later at the parade. Love you," he expressed with genuine warmth, the echoes of triumph evident in his voice.

With the championship parade looming, Y/n chose to spend some pre-celebration time with one of his best friends on the team, Julian Fleming.

Both having experienced being treated as the third option before their triumphant championship, the bond between them strengthened.

As they hung out, the air buzzed with a shared sense of accomplishment and camaraderie. Julian and Y/n, once overlooked, now stood as integral parts of the winning team.

As the championship parade rolled through the streets, Y/n found himself standing at a podium, surrounded by the cheers of fans and the confetti that painted the air in the team's colors. The weight of the trophy in his hands served as a tangible reminder of the triumph they had achieved. Clearing his throat, Y/n began to address the roaring crowd.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Buckeye Nation, thank you for being here today to celebrate with us. This championship is the result of an incredible team effort, and I stand here not as an individual but as part of a family, a brotherhood that faced challenges head-on and emerged victorious. Columbus this was for You!"

He paused, glancing at Marvin Harrison Jr. and CJ Stroud standing beside him. "I want to take a moment to acknowledge two incredible players, Marvin and CJ. We wouldn't be standing here without them. Their contributions, both on and off the field, were invaluable. Marvin's exceptional talent and CJ's leadership were integral to our success. This championship is as much theirs as it is mine, as it is ours."

The crowd erupted in cheers, recognizing the humility and team spirit in Y/n's words. He continued, "And to Coach Ryan Day, thank you for believing in me when the game was on the line. Less than a minute left, and you gave me the chance to make a difference. It's a moment I'll never forget, and it's a testament to your trust in the entire team. We wouldn't be celebrating today without your leadership."

A smile played on Y/n's lips as he reflected on the intensity of that final minute. "Not to downplay TCU, but there was no way in hell they were beating us. Our determination, our resilience, it was a force that couldn't be stopped. And to the fans, thank you for your unwavering support. Your cheers echoed in our hearts and fueled our victories."

As the parade continued, Y/n took the time to hang out with his mom and Rachel. They shared laughter and relived the moments that led them to this grand celebration. Y/n's mother beamed with pride, her eyes reflecting the journey her son had undertaken.

Later in the day, Y/n found himself in the company of Julian Fleming, reminiscing about the times when they were both treated as the third option. The camaraderie between them was palpable, a testament to the bonds forged through challenges.

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