two - in which our Tav has conflicting feelings

Start from the beginning

"So eager," he mused quietly, and I bit the inside of my cheek. His fingertips lightly caressed my skin, and I brought my gaze to meet his wicked one.

"Just shut up and bite me," I said.

"A little 'please' would be nice to hear, before you start making demands," but his grin was growing more wicked by the second, and he leaned down closer to me anyway.

"Oh my gods," I said, exasperated. "I am not begging you to bite me." He leaned down toward my ear, his breath tickling the skin there. His free arm snaked underneath me and then wrapped around my torso.

"Why not?" he whispered, gently rubbing his thumb just behind my ear. "Not even one, tiny 'please'?"

"Absolutely not," I persisted.

He chuckled before ghosting his lips over my ear, and then slowly down toward my neck. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and I was suddenly hyperaware of every spot our bodies made contact. My breathing was already a wreck. This man had to know what he was doing to me, as he lightly brushed his lips over my skin until he found the perfect spot.

"Astarion," I gasped as he bit down, and I dug my fingers into his shoulders. Already his knees were nudging my thighs apart, pressing his body closer to mine.

He moaned loud enough against my neck that I briefly wondered if anyone else was awake and could hear, at the first pull of my blood. I moaned at the feel of his tongue pressing against the wound. My eyes flew shut and I arched my back off the floor, pressing up into him.

The awareness of my blood coursing through both our bodies returned, only heightening the pleasure I was feeling- the euphoria. It shouldn't feel this good to get bitten by a vampire, to have him drinking my life force, but it did.

The arm that was around me shifted, and it was no longer under me. But then his hand found my thigh, his fingers gripping it firmly. He pressed into me, slowly rolling his hips once, and raised my thigh to wrap around his torso. I gasped and my hands gripped him tighter. With the next deep pull at my neck I about saw stars.

"Oh gods, Astarion," I moaned. He growled against my neck in response, sending another wave of heat through me. He then pulled back from my neck with a 'pop', his breathing ragged as he looked at me.

"I- didn't mean for things to escalate so far," he said, his face flushed with my blood. My eyes were wide as I looked at him. "I admit I wanted to tease you a bit, but-"

"Stop there, you're alright," I said, embarrassment flooding through me. We both sat up, and I covered my face with my hands, hoping to stop him from seeing how red my face was. "You don't have to say anymore."

"I didn't expect getting bit would feel quite so good," I said. "I'm sorry for-"

"Honestly," he interrupted quietly. He took my hands away from my face. "I didn't expect it to feel quite so good for me, either. I knew it would be incredible, but this... This is exquisite." I tried to pull my hands back from his. He let me cover my cheeks back up. He looked away, at the ground and his face turned more pink.

"Look," he said. "It's not that I'm not attracted to you. I am. I just don't think- I'm worried I might accidentally drink too much, if I feed while..."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"So you like me," I said in astonishment.

"Adventuring and killing goblins would be insanely boring without your banter, darling," he said, looking back at me again.

I wrapped my arms around my knees and felt a small smile creep onto my face. Astarion cleared his throat.

"Now, as exquisite as you are, I definitely need to satiate my hunger further," he said, standing up. "Thank you. Again." He bowed and began to exit my tent.

"Happy hunting," I said, my heart still pounding. So he liked me. Or at least wanted to fuck me.

I put out the candles and laid back down in my bedroll, my thoughts drifting to what had just occurred. I placed my fingers over the wound at my throat, feeling the scars. He'd bitten in the same spot as the night before, I noted, feeling the extra soreness. Would I be able to sustain him every night? Would he even want to bite me again? Why was I feeling worried that he might not want to anymore? I shook my head and rolled onto my side, determined to sleep.

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