She raised you right tell her I said thank you.! They don't make gentlemen no more.

This that good ole southern hospitality, that's why. He laughed.

Oh you're from the south? Where from?

From Mississippi, born and raised.

What you doing up here?

Got moved around for work. I'm an architect contractor. Said they had a 3 year job for me with great pay after my last assignment so I took it.

Oh wow an architect? Impressive! What type of buildings do you design?

Hospitals mostly and a lot of private houses built from the ground up.

I'd love to see some of your work that's impressive.

Thank you! Actually it'll be a new hospital coming soon so you'll definitely be able to see it. What about you what do you do if you don't mind me asking?

I'm a/ well I was a parole officer.

A parole officer? You don't seem like you fit that description, no offense just seems like your....

To beautiful? To much of a girl? I asked offended.

No, no not that we'll just you are very beautiful. What I mean and was trying to say is that you seem soft. Soft spoken and kind. I always thought to be a parole officer you gotta be mean and tough. You don't give that. I'm quiet sure you can be assertive when need to be I'm not downplaying that at all by any means necessary but It seems like your in what do the ladies call it now a days "your soft girl era".

I laughed cause he really was trying not to stumble over his words. "I'm always in my soft girl era. That's what happens when you love yourself. Plus I have a very hard mean tough side when needed to be used. Anyone of my paroles would of told you I don't play."

What happened? If you don't mind me asking.

In a nutshell I had a baby. I said as I watered down the whole entire thing.

Don't even look like you had kids.

Thank you. He's almost a month old. And my two oldest are 9.

Damn yeah you got that. You look amazing. Yo baby daddy ain't gone come in here tryna fight me now is he? He asked nervously laughing.

No, not at all! I laughed.

Oh Ight I'm just saying! I ain't in to that I'm just tryna buy a pretty lady some coffee sir I ain't wit nun that beef shit. He said laughing throwing his hands up making me laugh.

Yeah no it's nun of that. Me and my children's father aren't together. I laughed.

Ight now, I'ma tell you right now I am not no gangsta ass nigga. Or no nigga out here pretending to be something else that I'm not.

Oh you not!

Girl we sitting here in STARBUCKS drinking coffee, I draw houses for a living! Hell naw I ain't! He said in a serious voice but funny tone making me laugh.

Yeah cause it don't get no whiter than this! I laughed. "What about you though Mr. Fancy architect. Where yo wife and kids. A man as successful as you gotta be tied down to something."

I wish. I have 2 sons. They are 2 and 11. Them lil dudes are my whole world. But i recently got divorced almost 3 months ago. Just been tryna find myself since than. It's like they don't know what they got until it's gone. Grass ain't always greener on the other side.

I hear that! She must of cheated.

She did! He said sadly. He looked down into his cup. You could tell he still wasn't healed from it. "With my bestfriend. I move around a lot for work sometimes take week to month long jobs out the state to put the country and he pushed up on her and she fell for it. Had him living in the house while I was gone. It's been going on the past 3 years I'm so scared to get my 2 year old son dna tested that shit will crush me if he ain't mine."

I know what it's like to love a kid that isn't yours. You both deserve to know the truth but don't do it until your ready and know you can handle the out come. Just by this conversation alone. I know your an amazing man and god is gonna bless you. Just keep being you.

Thank you! My ex wife never spoke affirmations to me like that before.

Sometimes what you need to hear isn't always gonna be from a person closes to you. God send angels in many different forms.

Amen to that!

Can I ask you something personally?

Yeah sure...

How are your boys handling your divorce?

My oldest son is very smart and mature for his age and he knows his mom is wrong. I had a talk with him and explained how everything was and was gonna go moving forward. It's been a lil challenging for him not seeing me all the time he misses me more cause I'm really not there now but we have a great relationship I don't miss a basketball game or a baseball game no matter what. And my youngest son hasn't grasped it yet. He still cries almost everyday looking at that door waiting for me to come home from work. But I try to FaceTime him as much as I can when I'm away and when I'm back home I get them every weekend. And I just let them know that I love them every chance every second I get.

Their blessed to have such an amazing father.

Thank you. I'm sure your babies are blessed to have such an amazing mother like you.

Thank you. I smiled making him smile. The conversation was so effortlessly I couldn't believe how long we had been talking. Hours went by from the last time I checked my phone. "Shit I gotta go!" I jumped up from my seat putting my coat on and grabbing my things.

Wait can I see you again? He asked grabbing his garbage.

I'd like that. I smiled. He handed me his phone and I put my number in it and ran out. I jumped in my car and headed home.

I'm sorry! I explained to Carter as I came in with my bags. He was in the kitchen making the girls dinner.

I called you! He said annoyed. "I had some shit to do."

Yeah time just got away from me. I apologize. I can finish you can go.
I felt my phone buz and I took it out my pocket to look at it. It was a text from Ty telling me to lock him in. I had 5 missed calls from Carter, some from my daughters and some from my girls with a bunch of text from Carter asking where was I.

Shit it's done now, a lil too late.

Well once again I'm sorry....

Yeah whatever Asia. He said pissed before turning his attention back to cooking.

I took a deep breath and grabbed the bags and took them upstairs. I had a great day and him nor his fucked up attitude was going to ruin it for me.

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