"Is fate saying, he has some friends available?" Ari asks, smiling, twisting some of her blonde hair between her fingers.

"Absolutely. I have the perfect-"

" Oh I am absolutely not intrested.  I've been around his friends before", I say, frowning turning my nose up.

" And that's why you've been single for the last 4 years of college ", India says
smartly, rolling her eyes.

" What's that supposed to mean?" I ask her, looking at her now.

" You're stuck up as fuck. You never give anyone a chance.  You're so pretty but you always frown down on a man instead of giving them a chance," Ari
says to me.

" Well my father taught me to have high standards. He gave me the best so that's what I expect", I say,  folding my arms.

" This is why you've missed so much of life because of your parents unrealistic expectations.  When are you going to make choices for yourself?" India asks me.

" I have started.  Look at my outfit ", I say causing the both of them to laugh.

" yeah, you are definitely coming with me, we are getting the fuck off of this campus ", India says laughing as she grabs my hand, pulling me in the opposite direction of where we were heading.

" Wait-"

" SHUT UP! Before someone sees us!" Ari says as we sneak pass a group of professors who were in a conversation.

" But what about the block party?" I whine as we continued to walk to the parking lot.

" Maybe we'll make it later... Durk wanted to go", India says smiling.

" But he isn't a student", I say frowning, just her mentioning Durk coming anywhere near our school festivities.

" So what?! Everyone is going to be drunk out of their minds by then,"

" And besides everyone at that party who's there isn't an actually student at the schools Si Si", Ari chimes in, cutting india off.

" EXACTLY! So we're going end of discussion ", India says, interjecting before I can complain some more.

Technically we weren't supposed to leave student grounds on this day because they needed a total count of students. But we are seniors, as much as I didn't want to miss this night. India and Ari was the closest people to me, I didn't want to go through the day alone. So I just shut my lips, and continued to follow them to the expensive trackhawk sitting outside in the lot. India runs over smiling, which means this is Durk's car.

She eagerly opens the door and slides in the front seat, Ari opens the door and it was packed in the backseat causing me to frown. How in the world we all were going to fit back here?! Did he not know we were coming or...

TWISTED. Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum