Chapter 4: One Year Later

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1 Year Later...

It's been one year since the incident, Ben, Johnny, Sue, and Y/N have been staying at Area 57. Johnny gaining the ability to transform into a being of living flame, Sue gained the ability to become invisible and generate force fields, Ben was covered in rocks as he had increased strength and Y/N had a symbiote inside him called Venom and Venom can give Y/N a symbiote suit which enhances his physical abilities, such as strength, agility, and durability and sometimes Venom takes control and because of that Y/N and Venom became brothers. During this time, Y/N and Sue begin to date. Ben helped the government on numerous assignments, killing at least 43 enemies of the U.S. Allen presented to military officials the powers of Sue, Johnny, Y/N, and Ben. Dr. Allen is on at the Pentagon with the military as he presents the powers of Sue, Johnny, Y/N, and Ben. He shows footage of Ben.

Dr. Allen: His combat effectiveness this past year has been unprecedented. In terms of potential, you already know what he's accomplished in the field. He's been active in covert operations with a 100% success rate. Protecting our men and women in battle and saving countless lives. Ladies and gentlemen, this is only the beginning. The other survivors of the "Baxter Incident" all exhibited unique physical conditions.

A video shows Johnny's powers, and he can shoot fire out of his hands.

Dr. Allen: We developed suits which allow them to contain and control these conditions.

A video shows Sue turning invisible and visible.

Dr. Allen: This subject's suit controls her spectral flares and refractive visibility. With intense concentration she has also developed the ability to render other objects invisible.

Sue then turns the container invisible.

Dr. Allen: And, to neuropathically produce force fields.

Sue then blasts two containers away.

Dr. Allen: And then the final subject, has the ability of a spider.

A video shows Y/N crawling on walls and producing webs and he swings with them as he lands on the ground. Y/N was fighting a soldier as his Spider-Senses went off and he used it to avoid the soldier's punches.

Dr. Allen: He also has what he calls a symbiote inside him. This symbiote can produce a suit for him and give him extra strength and to use the symbiote at will.

Y/N brings out tentacles and lifts up a container with ease and he throws it against a wall.

Dr. Allen: And finally, he can release the symbiote, Venom.

Venom takes control and screeches as he runs on walls, punches the containers destroying them.

Dr. Allen: All these abilities come from one place. Another dimension that our scientists have taken to calling "Planet Zero."

Planet Zero is shown.

Dr. Allen: A planet infused with the same energy that transformed these survivors and potentially could transform our military capabilities. We have the direct link.

A blueprint is shown of a new Quantum Gate.

Dr. Allen: With your continued support, once the Quantum Gate 2 project is finished, we'll have control over more than that world. We'll have control over ours.

They were then on a plane going to Area 57.

Dr. Allen: Everyone, have a look.

They look out the window and see something.

Man 1: What the hell is that?

A drone is flying beside them as Johhny who is covered in fire blasts the drone into piece as he returns to Area 57.

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