Chapter 2: Planet Zero

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3rd POV:

After Johnny injured himself in a race, Y/N and Franklin went to get him. The three walk out of the hospital. Franklin and Johnny were talking as Y/N kept quiet.

Franklin: I cannot believe you're out here doing this nonsense again.

Johnny: I told you.

Franklin: What?

Johnny: I told you I was doing forty-five when I spun out.

Franklin: Yeah.

Johnny: The ground was wet, and I hydroplaned.

Franklin: Funny, I don't seem to remember any rain today.

Johnny: You were probably to busy to notice.

Y/N: Johnny-

Franklin: It's okay, Y/N.

The three got in the car.

Franklin: Johnny,

Johnny, I thought you were turning things around. What is this?

Johnny: What are you talking about?

Franklin: This! This! Is this the way you want the rest of your life to be? You keep acting out. You have the potential and the IQ to do so much more.

Johnny: Oh, you mean like Sue and him?

Johnny points to Y/N.

Franklin: I know you think you know what's best for you, but trust me, son, you do not.

Johnny: Can you stop that?

Franklin: What? Stop what?

Johnny: Stop talking to me like I'm one of your students.

Franklin: Well, you're not getting the car back.

Johnny: Excuse me?

Franklin: You're not getting the car back.

Johnny: I built that thing from scratch with my own two hands.

Franklin: With my money. My money, my car.

Y/N: He got you there Johnny.

Franklin: You want it back, you're gonna have to earn it. You're gonna have to come work for me.

Johnny: I'm not wearing a lab coat.

Y/N raised an eyebrow as they arrived back at the lab. Johnny was talking with the workers as they walked.

Johnny: Appreciate your work, miss. Oh, you gotta untuck that shirt, man.

Johnny then sees Victor.

Johnny: Is that Adolf? Long time.

Victor: Still not German. And we don't need any more help.

Franklin: Yes, you do.

Victor: With what, his boundless enthusiasm?

Johnny: Oh, why, thank you, Victor.

Franklin: He can build anything.

Victor: With a broken arm?

Sue: What exactly happened?

Johnny: What?

Y/N: He was racing, and he spun out of control and crashed his car breaking his arm in the process.

Sue stared at her brother. Reed the calls out to the group.

Reed: I don't know what you're talking about.

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