Chapter 5: Wow, That's dedication.

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"A-Ying! This isn't your brightest idea!" Jiang Cheng shouted, crossing his arms. Wei Ying on the other hand, just completely ignored his brother, turning his body to face Nie Huaisang.

"Trust me, I'll be back in no time. With the tastiest alcohol in a hundred kilometers!" The dark-haired teen said as he jumped in the air, raising his fist above his head stubbornly. "Give me an hour, you won't even know I'm gone. When I come back, we can have a feast to go with our Emperor's Smile. Think of it as a celebration for not dying yesterday. From me to the two of you! Okay?" Wei Ying said happily, turning to leave.

"Do you seriously think I'm kidding?! If you get caught, I'm not saving your ass." The alpha said with a huff, glaring at his brother's stupidity. "I won't get caught A-Cheng, don't worry. And even if I do, I'll find my way out of it, even though I doubt that will happen." Wei Ying stated confidently as he looked back towards his worrisome brother.

"Whatever, I don't care." Jiang Cheng said, his usual grumpy features even more defined as a scowl laced his lips. Nie Huaisang, bless him, just wished Wei Ying luck before turning back towards the warmth of the residence. Jiang Cheng soon followed.

That left Wei Ying, the omega taking a deep breath before sprinting out into the rain.

He had a plan. Kind of. But it was safe to say he had an easy way in and out of the Cloud recess. The teen had snatched a jade amulet, one of the once that granted access in and out through fortress-like walls that surrounded the Lan residence.

So it was a clear shot as long as the patrolling schedules had been left unchanged. He had been memorizing them for the past two weeks just for this. He really wanted to taste some emperor's smile, his first attempt, nearly a month ago, had been rudely interrupted. Lan Wangji caught him when he was attempting to return, alcohol in hand.

The alpha had told him to leave, to return when the sun rose, but Wei Ying had been a little too dazed at the time. Two main things: He hadn't expected to be caught, and much less by such an attractive alpha. Of his age too! And secondly, he was embarrassingly mesmerized by Lan Zhan's eyes, their golden hue sparkling in the moonlight.

Tonight though, it was raining, and heavily. It played directly into Wei Ying's hands. The omega doubted anyone would be going on a moonlit stroll tonight. Not to mention it was much later than the last time he had attempted to smuggle in booze, way past midnight to be exact.

So with a small grunt, he flung himself to the top of the outer wall of the cloud recess, looking down towards the town far below.

Even though it was a dark and stormy night, the omega could still appreciate the beauty that was the landscape. He also much preferred the constant drumming and thunder of the rainstorm, to the usual soundless nights that were the cloud recess.

He smiled to himself, proud of how far he had gotten for his first attempt, but slightly regretting his timeframe of an hour. Looking down at the city from this far up, he could tell he'd have to hurry. With a quiet sight, he hopped down from the wall, feeling the slight buzz in the air as he was let through the perimeter without hassle. He felt a little guilty about stealing from the Lan disciple he had rescued from the Waterborne Abyss, but the alpha did kind of owe him, so the guilt was quick to subside. The cool, damp air of the rainstorm helped to clear his head as he ran towards the city in the not-so-far-off distance.

He wiped the rainwater from his eyes, finding the feeling of the cool liquid running down his face refreshing, keeping him from building up a sweat to quickly.

Wei Ying had a feeling he was gonna be lucky tonight.


Okay, so maybe he had been wrong about being lucky tonight.

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