We had landed in the city several days ago, both for Alea and Harry's... personal needs. If I thought about the real reason, I don't think I could contain my words and feelings as well as I was right now. I loved him and my peace too much.

    The city was covered with a soft white, flurrying slightly. This was a rarity, so early in December. Christmas was only two weeks away, and a white Christmas wasn't too out of sight. I guess I could thank  global warming for that.

"What's wrong, Kennedy?" Harry asked as he opened the door to our personal driver's car. I sighed and shook my head.

"Nothing." I responded as Harry got in the car beside me. He placed his hand on my thigh as the driver drove to our apartment.

"Dr. Kroll said it's not good for you to hold in yo-"

"Fuck Dr. Kroll." I rolled my eyes.

Harry made us see a couples counselor a few weeks ago.

"Kennedy." Harry warned.

"I'm perfectly fine, Harry. Trust me, please." I smiled up at him, trying to convince him to leave me alone.

"I know what can help." Harry moved his hand slightly up on my thigh, his hand now resting half under my dress.

"I wish we were alone." I whispered, grabbing his wrist to stop his hand from moving any further, it was already dangerously close to my pantys.

"Yeah, me too bec-"

    The bing of Harry's phone tore his hand from my thigh and straight to his pocket. I groaned and moved closer to the window, creating space between us. Harry gulped and quickly put his phone away.

"Here." Our driver said, signaling us to get out.

    I pushed out the door, closing it behind me and in his face. I nodded to our doorman and hurried into the building, Harry following close behind.

"Baby." He said from behind me, catching me in the elevator. I leaned on the opposite side of the box, looking his body up and down.

"If you weren't so hot, sex would be completely off the table." I bit my lip, feeling my sex beginning to pulse.

"Sounds like you're in agony, baby." Harry moved towards me. He placed his hands on my waist, pulling my body against his.

"Maybe it's the alcohol." I shrugged, pushing him off of me as we got to our floor.

    I led the way out, turning to the right and facing our door. I unlocked the door and walked in, removing my heels and coat before turning around with a smile. Harry's jackets and shoes were also off as he locked the door and grabbed my hips. My purse and keys fell to the floor as he pulled me and pushed me against the door.

    Our lips interlocked, sending shivers down my spine, spiking the hair on my skin. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he lifted me up and forced my legs around his waist. I caught his tongue with mine as they blended together.

    We disconnected from the doorway as he laid us down on the long section of our couch. My legs disconnected but remained perked up as he sat between my legs. He looked hungrily down at my body and sank down to bite the flesh of my chest. I moaned into the air as he sucked on my skin, leaving a mark.

    His hands moved around my back to my zipper and slowly started to pull down the cold material. His hands spread across my newly exposed skin as he continue to ki-

Buzz Buzz

    We both paused, hearing and feeling the vibration of his phone. I instantly felt my attraction leave my blood as he hesitated on whether to continue or to check his phone. It was about a minute until he decided to ignore the buzz.

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