a not so normal school day

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The bus pulls up stopping right infront the entrance was I ready to face today

No do I have to anyway


Sage walked in the doors searching for her locker

She made it to her locker and punched in the code

She opened her locker put her backpack in then grabbed her binder SLAM sage closed her locker shut then locked it back up

Turning around She sees her bsf t

"Hiiiii sage"

"Heyyyy divine"

They walked and talked about how shitty school then the bell rang RINGGGGG

"Ughh I'll see u in 2nd period"

"See ya"

Divine and sage walked in opposite ways to first period english. Mid way through English sage got an idea

(What if me and divine ditch the rest of the school day to go smoke)

RINGGGG the bell goes dismissing 1st period

"Hey um GUYYS the bell don't dismiss u i-i do" Ms,lud said as everyone just walked out

Sage ran to divine "DIVINE, DIVINEE"


"Hey so I got an idea"

"Oh shit what's ur Idea"

"Wanna ditch to go smoke weed"


They ran to there lockers to grab there backpack. They catch the bus and go to divine house her parents were at work and she had the house to them selfs

"Grab the bong and I'll grab the weed" said divine

"Ight" They packed a bowl and headed out to the sidewalk to light it up

They lit up the bowl and smoked hard passing it to each other until the weed was all smoked

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They lit up the bowl and smoked hard passing it to each other until the weed was all smoked.

"Holy fuck its hitting"said sage"wanna pack up and go to ur room and chill?"

"For sure and this weed is strong asf"

They pack up the weed and just when they were about to walk into the house divine said "actually let me grab me wallet were going to 7/11 to get some munchies give me the weed and wait here"

To high to deny the command sage hands her the weed and wait lay on the grass and looking at the sky

About 5 minutes later divine comes back to see sage laying down just starring at the sky

"Wtf are you doing"

"The sky is moving" she started to laugh her ass off ok let's go to 7/11 schools over in 3 hours we have to sober up by then dumbass" divine said

They get to 7/11 get snacks and go back to divine house to lay down eat snacks watch TV and laugh.

Word count:420🤭

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