Filler Chapter

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It was by far the most nerve-wrecking and agonising wait for Porsche as they wheeled Vegas into the operating theatre. He never thought he would see the day where Vegas would be on this side.

Porsche had always done everything within his power to ensure that Vegas was safe despite the dangerous life he led, and this time, it finally happened. His Vegas got hurt.

Porsche sank into a chair, the earliest memories of his relationship with Vegas coming to mind. Porsche had been working for the family for about 7 months when he first bumped into Vegas.

Initially, Porsche absolutely hated Vegas's guts, and it also didn't help that Kinn and Vegas also continuously fought.

However, there was once when Porsche had gotten into a messy fight, entirely his fault but Vegas had come to his aid without being asked to, completely saved his ass from being whooped and just went away as quietly too. He didn't even bring it up.

That sparked a change in Porsche, who started paying attention to Vegas, whom he realized was a soft hearted man despite the steely exterior. His love for his brother was also commendable.

Over time; Porsche found himself falling bit by bit for Vegas and one rainy night. He came home staggering drunk, hovering hapzardly around the door until Vegas opened it.

Staring straight into Vegas's steely black orbs, he called eyes, he found himself completely wavering and ended up kissing him. He thought Vegas would push him away, but Vegas's clasped arms around his waist, and his tightening grip around his neck just fuelled the notion that Vegas wanted him as much as he did.

And they never looked back, being together as Chay got with Kinn, Macau, and Kim finding love too. But the fact that his love would be hurt one day terribly never left his mind. That always weighed heavily on his mind, causing all of the actions that had happened so far. And now, all he could do was pray his Vegas would fight through and come back.

Porsche snapped back to reality as the doctors came out with a grim look on their faces. He stood up, heart thudding loudly as the doctor opened his mouth.

Porsche heard a flurry of medical terms and started to zone out. Blood loss, low heart rate, slowing heart....

Just then, the doctor said something that changed the whole mood.

"But the next 1 hour is critical. If Vegas pulls through, he will survive despite the hefty odds against him. Just pray he survives the next 60 minutes."

Porsche sank into a chair, Chay holding onto him tightly. Macau was equally stricken, and Kim was holding onto him tightly. Kinn just watched quietly, but his own eyes betrayed his steely demeanour.

About 15 minutes in; the doctors rushed in suddenly. Vegas was going into a shock. About 10 minutes, the doctors came out.

Just then, a thunderstorm was heard. Porsche looked at the doctors' faces, and he instantly knew. His heart broke into smithereens as he heard the dreaded words.

"I'm sorry; but Vegas could not be saved. Time of death: 4.35pm."

Macau's howls ran through the hall. Kinn and Chay were absolutely shocked and crestfallen.

And Porsche, all he could do was pray his love would wait for him till he joined him up there. But something in Porsche died then.

His soul just died at that very moment. The rest of the security team joined them, having cleaned up the remaining mess.

Big and Ken watched as Porsche just sunk silently into the chair, not a single sob or tear.

But that was the scariest response of all. Something in Porsche had died when Vegas died.

Will he ever bounce back?

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