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I snuck out quietly over the night, taking the car down to Nattachiput. I did bring my entourage of guards with me after informing Macau and Kinn. They were distraught to see me go, Macau being more obvious but there was a pained look in Kinn's eyes that proved he was going to miss me.

Fucker has become more soft since dating Chay. But haven't we all? I glanced towards Porsche's room which was lit up and I could see him pacing up and down endlessly. I just hardened myself and left.

Over the next 6 months, I was busy at Nattachiput, strengthening our fort. I focused on our businesses and managed to tie up alot of loose ends. I ended up adopting a kitten too, along the way. Fellow was caught shivering on my door step one rainy night. My heart broke a bit as it reminded me of Porsche, shivering outside the house post a particularly drunk night. That was when our paths had crossed and we had never looked back since.

Now this kitten, reminded me of him exactly. I ended up bringing the little fellow in, nursing him back to health. About 3 weeks before I was to head home, Kinn called me.

"Hey, how have you been?"

"Good Kinn. How's everyone at home?"

"Everyone's good. Except for Porsche."

"What..what happened to him?"

"He got hurt badly during a recent brawl. The drug lord is out for his blood and mine. We are going to be splitting up for a while. I am going to send Porsche to you. Keep an eye on him, ok?"

"Why are you sending him here?"

"It wouldn't make sense for me to come as I would be with Chay. You would be 3rd-wheeling. Do you want to do that?!"

I kept quiet. Kinn sighed.

"Just look after him okays. He's hurt badly and needs to recover. And needs someone reliable to keep an eye on him. Someone who I know loves him.".

I agreed reluctantly. I haven't seen him in 6 months. I wonder how he has been. If he has changed. Etc.

About a day later; Porsche turned up at my place. His right arm was in a sling and he was sporting bruises all over his face. I looked at him and my heart went out to him.

I caught myself looking at him for such a long while that he ended up coughing to break up the momentum. I immediately looked away and beckoned him in. I showed him his room and told him that I would send the doctor in shortly to look at him. He nodded quietly.

I went back to the working room where I worked on my documents with my kitty nestling at my feet. About a few hours later, I finally stopped my work for dinner. When I went to the dining hall, I realized I was alone. I checked with Ken if Porsche had eaten but he said Porsche skipped dinner as he didn't feel like eating.

I perused my lips in frustration. I fixed a plate and brought it up to Porsche's room. I knocked on his door. A little while later, I heard the shuffling of the door and Porsche opened it.


"I heard you haven't eaten. I brought you a plate. You have to eat if you want to take your meds."

Porsche sighed and looked at his cast. Shit, I remembered that his arm was broken. Maybe that explained why he didn't want to eat. I went into his room and sat the plate down on the table. He looked at me. I motioned him over. He sat down on a chair and I sat facing him.

I forked spoonfuls of the pasta and fed him slowly. Porsche was stunned but ate quietly. I cleaned his mouth periodically as he ate.

"How is it? Is it OK?"

"It's fine.. thanks for dinner."

I just nodded in reciprocation. Just then, my kitty came in, mewing at me softly. I smiled as I bundled him up and placed him in my arms. He nestled comfortably on my lap as I continued feeding Porsche.

"A new pet? When did you start keeping a kitten?"

"Been a while now. He accompanies me. Found him one rainy night outside the house."

Porsche flicked a glance towards me, the same memory coming to mind as me. Once I was done, I stood up with the empty plate.

As I was about to leave, Porsche held onto my hand.

"Can we talk?"

"No. There isn't anything for us to talk about Porsche. I think that opportunity was long gone."

Porsche sighed. I know I wasn't being fair to him but I was pissed. I was hurting. And I know it was juvenile but I wanted to just hit back for once.

Me not talking to him hit the spot, I knew.

So as juvenile as it was, that was what I was going to do.

Just You & Me (VegasxPorsche) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now