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Trigger Warning


Mitchel's POV
[1st Person]

"This is the third stop already, Clinton, goddamnit, control your bladder." I felt like my eyes could roll right 'round earth.

Clinton muttered something about him driving and that if it bothers me, I should walk.
I sigh, annoyed, and let my head fall back.

Cassie opens the car door and climbs off my lap. "What're you doin'?" My words slur slightly due to just waking up. "Stretching, you might not notice, but sitting for so long is exhausting for some of us."

"Fuck off, I just can't feel my legs anymore because you," I point my finger at her, "were sitting on them." She sticks her tongue out and hurries after Clinton. I laugh and look back at the rest of the group.

"You're making this very obvious, Mitchel," Kras says, turning in his seat to look at me. "So she's either blind or you're hiding something from us, and we both know she's not, so why didn't you say anything?" My body stiffened, and I slowly looked up to meet Christian's eyes.

"We're not dating," I answer. "We barley know each other." He rolls his eyes.

"We both know you've brought girls home you've barley known for two hours, so why this whole thing about 'I barley know her'? You sound like you want sum commitment, and we wouldn't want that, would we?" I push Kras' head back and fall back into the seat, though I can't tell if he's joking or not.

"Look, I just-" Kras begins, but the door suddenly opens, and Cassie steps back inside, sitting down on my lap.

"This conversation isn't over." Kras mutters and turns back forward. He gives me one last look through the rearview mirror.

"Where's Clinton?" Xavier suddenly chimes in, "Did we lose him? If yes, don't let Pat drive."Cassie pulls Xaviers cap from his head and places it on her own. "He's getting chocolate or something. He'll be right there."

Xavier tries to get his cap back, which makes Cassie move out of his way on my lap.
I threw my head back, this was gonna be a long car ride.

Cassie's POV
[1st Person]

Sit straight, but not too straight. It'll make you seem stiff.
Sit still, not too still, though it'll make you seem robotic.
Don't lean back, but also don't lean forward, it'll seem like you want to put distance between us.

Maybe I wanted exactly that; maybe I wanted to put miles in between us, maybe I wanted to open the car door and jump out there, make the asphalt rip apart my skin and let the blood drip down onto it, flesh tripping out of my body, freeing itself from a prison it has been trapped in for too long.

Let the red liquid mix itself with salty tears, reliving the moments of life no one should have ever seen no one should have ever known.

Let my eyes roll back, my skull crack, let my mind attack the words never said. Let me blame myself for never-healed wounds and for always visible scars. Let me lie on the street and drive past.

I've waited for people to save me my whole life; now don't try; it's too late.

"Cassie?" I blink back my thoughts and look at the direction the voice has come from.
"Yeah?" my voice hoarse. I cough and pull out a water bottle from my bag.

"We're playing truth, or dare you want to play?" Kras asks, and I shrug, "Why not?"

"So, Cassie, truth or dare?" Jesse asks, slightly uncomfortable. I look around and laugh, "Uh, I don't know, truth?"

"What's your full name?" slightly taken aback by the question, I stretch the rubber band on my wrist and let go. "Cassandra Ainsworth," I mumble and look out the window.

"No middle name?" Kras asks, and I shrug, "I do have one, but I don't like it." Now Mitchel nudges me, "C'mon, what is it?" I shake my head, the car seems to have gotten really, really small suddenly, and why were all the windows closed?

"Hey, um, Clinton, could you open th-" I begin, but Pat cuts me off. "It can't be too bad, just tell us." The engine was roaring now, I didn't even realize how loud it was, but everything was louder now: the other cars, the wheels hitting stones, Mitchel breathing in my neck, and my head was spinning.

"Cassandra, don't be a loser." Xavier says, "Please don't call me that-"

"tell us"

"So secretive, huh?"

"I knew she couldn't do it."

"What is she even doing here?"

"Why wouldn't you tell us?"

It was too much—so many voices, some in the car, some in my head.

"Dalia. My middle name is Dalia." I finally say, and my voice breaks. The rubber band on my wrist snaps, and everything is quiet now.




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