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Cassie's POV
[1st Person]

Music and screaming swept through the halls. I could barely remember what number I was on.

23, right.

So I started counting again, the rest of the guitar strings of the many gutairs hanging on the walls, the drumsticks flying around here and there, the jackets that had been lazily tossed over one of the two couches.

"You wanna go backstage and say hi, hun?" He asked her after many, many people had already made their way out of the venue.

A squeaking sound came from somewhere, and it took me a second to realize it was myself who made it.

Thirty-three guitar strings, ten drumsticks, seven jackets, and zero windows

Windows would make this place so much more friendly. Though, ice cream? I should get ice cream again.. Maybe I should go see how the concert is going. Where did the cherries go?

Asking myself anything to keep from thinking.


"There's a club down the street we should go, ya know, celebrate these one thousand people that just watched us play." Jesse said just barley after the door hit its lock.

"No way, dude, imma go to sleep right after I brushed these sparkling teeth." And with that, Christian stumbled into the bathroom.
And Xavier made his way into the bedroom and closed the door behind him.
"C'mon, you're so boring. Pat, Mitty, Clinton, Cassie, you down?" Mitchel and I shook our heads in union. Just Pat and Clinton high-fived Jesse, and together they made their way back out the door.

After everyone left and Christian passed out on his bed, Mitchel gestured for me to sit down next to him.

We watched a cartoon that neither of us really paid attention to.
A few minutes into an ad break, I said,

"You know, you should ask me out." I say and turn to face him. Mitchel, who suddenly went really stiff beside me, did the same.

"What do you mean by that?" He whispered, and I smirked.
"You're babying me, Mitchel; I don't need to be babied." His eyebrow rose, and I laughed.

"You asked for my number for a reason, and you didn't ask me out yet. Is it because I asked you to help me? You saw what I got out of and I got out of it. I'm better than I have been in years. You're acting like I'm some really expensive vase, and if you hold me wrong, I'd break, but I can assure you, I won't." I exhaled and let my head fall back.

"I know Cassie, but you can't tour with us for ever, you know. It's hard to date in this industry, and I wouldn't know how to make it work." His arm that was placed behind me on the arm of the couch was now on his lap, and he looked down at it.

"Who said we would date? I said you should ask me on one, it can be plantonic, you know." I put my hand over his, and he looked up at me.

"Sure, we can do that." He smiled at me, and I smiled back. With butterflies in my stomach, we kept watching the cartoon.


My head hit the wall again, again, and again. I did it so I could only hear the bumps my head made and only feel the pain that caused it.

So I didn't have to listen to the arguing down the stairs.

"I can't do this anymore!" bump

"What do you mean you can't do this?"Do US?" bump

"I can't do this to HER." bump

"Sometimes I wish she would've died that da-" bump.


"Wake up, Cassie." A familiar voice whispered next to me. I groaned and rolled over. "What's up?" My voice is raspy and barely audible.

"I got a surprise for you, c'mon," Mitchel next to me chuckled, and I had to smile.

Mitchel gave me five minutes to get ready, which turned into fifteen since I couldn't decide what to wear.
I settled with a white tank top and a beige jacket to cover my arms, black baggy pants, and my converse. It was the best I had.
The cross necklace dangling from my neck like a type of treasure

"Okay ready?" Mitchel clapped in his hands and then took mine in his.

"It's seven in the morning, Mitchel, what'd you take me for?


Mitchel's POV
[1st Person]

She looks so pretty, it hurts.

A part of me was glad it was a platonic date, and the other part of me wanted her lips on mine so badly.
I watched her perfect ash blonde air blow in the wind, and her eyes lit up when we drove past buildings she thought looked pretty.

"You know, it was always my dream to live in Beverly Hills and own a really, really expensive house. A house I could afford with my own money She held out her hand out the window like she wanted to catch the air.

"and be an architect." She whispered under her breath so quietly that I almost didn't catch it.

"I like that." I say, and she turns to me, "You don't think I couldn't do it?" I smiled and shook my head.

"You can do everything you want, Cassie, you just have to believe in yourself."

Cassie // Mitchel CaveWhere stories live. Discover now