Chapter 3 "Point of No Return"

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What are you doing here, Isabella? What made you conformed at this point? Points for bravery on standing defenseless and just completely succumbed to the beautiful creatures of the underworld. There is no turning back now. You have promised to keep the flame alive and I have a duty to him. He's all I got. This was all for him. I would give up everything just to be with you, just to survive... even if I have to... to... To bare it all out. Isabella is no longer here. This is me now, a dark-horse of an unknowing society. A secret yet admitted. My name is Zita and my service to you will always be a mystery.

The lights turned on and was pointed at me, men howled... reaching for my soul, rewarding me with the great pleasure of seeing me unconcealed. I was their favorite pet, crawling for satisfaction, the submissive one...

They love it when I touch myself as I brush my hair up to let them see how I was responding to it. It gave me a sense of power. I felt like I could destroy a man just by dancing in front of them. I knew they wanted more but this was all I could give to them... My dignity.

"What would Joaquin say if he finds out I'm working on a strip club?" I asked to Frida while gazing on the cars that passed by. We were sitting on the edge of the sidewalk. A habit of mine that I never lost.

Frida looked at me while smoking her last pot. Her eyes are turning red as she drifts her mind to my question. She then smiled at me while shaking her head, "What do you think he would say?" she said, asking the question back to me.

I smirked while brushing my hair up, "I don't know. Maybe... he has to deal with it. I mean... we don't have any money and this is the easiest way to get it."

"Tss... Well, I hope you know what you're doing. There is more to this business that meets the eye." Said Frida puffing her stoner. "A lot will be asking for you and you have to get ready on what service you will be giving them. Your body will no longer be his... but to everyone else."

I laughed a bit while shaking my head, "That my friend, will never happen."

"Unless he permitted them to—" Frida stopped herself from talking, it was like she was about to let out a secret that I have no right in knowing.

I looked at her while my eyebrows crossed, "Unless 'he' permitted them? Who's the 'he'? Joaquin?"

Frida glared at me and was about to say something but she brushed it off. She then looked away. "Zita, your ride is here."

I peeked on a light that was coming closer and closer on our direction. It was Joaquin's car. I stood up and greeted him with a kiss.

"Hey, you had a nice time at work?" Joaquin asked, glaring at Frida.

I looked back at my friend smiling, then back at Joaquin, "Yes. Being a waitress at a bar is hard work and I—" I leaned on his ear and whispered, "--need my man to hold me every night."

He smirked while caressing my back.

"Get a room!" said Frida irritably.

I waved good bye to her as I go around Joaquin's car to get in on the passenger seat. We then drove off to our small rented house. It isn't the nicest house on the street but this will do for us. We've been living together for a year now. Though our relationship has its ups and downs, we somehow survived it. Both of us have tempers and sometimes it leads to physical violence. But I don't blame him for hurting me because I was the one who provoked him. At the end he would apologize and would promise me that he will not to do it again. We're a working progress. I can't just leave the man I wanna be with for the rest of my life. I would never give up on him. Even till the last breath.

"No please, don't leave me! Please! I love you!" I said to Joaquin following him in our bedroom, crying my heart out. " I swear, I swear I would never do it again... Please.."

He then turned around looking so angry, his eyes were fiery as ever, "I told you to go out and stay with Frida for tonight! Why did you come home, huh?!"

"Because... Because..." I was sobbing and I couldn't speak clearly.

I was going to stay at Frida's but I have a gut feeling that he was not really having a poker game that night so I returned home. When I opened the door, there were cans of beer everywhere and shirtless men making out with naked girls, dancing for their amusement. I found Joaquin doing the same. I approached him and slapped him on his face. He stood up, his eyes bolted at mine. He signaled everybody to get out and so they did. I was just staring at him waiting for him to say something. When the room was empty, he slapped me on my face as I crashed on the floor. He grabbed my hair pulling me to stand up. He then slammed the front of my body against the wall. I cried out to him, I told him to stop but he wasn't listening. He just shouted and called me names. My body was trembling because this was the most violent thing that he has ever done to me.

He threatened me that he was going to leave. I got scared because I don't want to be alone and force myself to go back to my family. I loved him too much. I want to stay with him even if he was treating me bad. I saw something good in him and that what makes me cling on to him.

"Please... Please don't leave me. I can't live without you. You're the only thing that matters to me. I swear, I will forget this night. I will forget everything that I saw just please don't leave. I will forgive you. I love you so much..." I hugged him on his back, as tears fled from my eyes. I want to stop him from leaving me, I want to show him that I really do care for him and I want us to work out.

He then turned around to face me. His eyes are now gentle, he caressed my face and gave me a kiss. He lifted me up and laid me on our bed. He tore my blouse open exposing my breasts. He cupped his hands around it as he trailed kisses on my neck. I can feel his eagerness on savoring my body. I permitted him to do everything he wanted, all I ask is for him to stay with me.

After we've finished, I rested my head on his chest while his arm cuddled me lovingly. He was quiet and I knew something is bothering him. I looked up to his face and he was already looking back at me. He smiled bitterly and said, "Do you really love me?"

I scrunched my eyebrows and said, "Yes. With all of my heart."

He then sat up straight breaking free from our tender position. I sat up straight as well and looked at him with curiosity.

"Then, will you do something for me?" he asked in his most captivating voice. I was mesmerized by the way he spoke, it echoes within my ears.

I held his hand and said, "I will do anything for you. Tell me."

"Tomorrow, I need you to meet someone. He's a very good friend of mine and he is eager to meet you." He then kissed me gently and smiled afterwards, "I need you to trust me... I know what you've been doing behind my back."


I Am Zitaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن