Chapter 1 "My Hero"

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The darkness of the underworld can sometimes be life changing, dominating the innocence of a child and influencing the weak in search for the gold at the end of the rainbow. War spread through the neighborhood like pawns protecting their majesties. Swords evolved to deathly gunshots, valiant knights are now thieves corresponding with the kings of the abyss. Nothing more is horrifying than seeing familiar faces lay down on the gravel road lifeless. I never knew that death would come soon, knocking on our door.

It was late at night, we were all sound asleep in our bed when my Papa came home restive. He came into my bedroom and woke me up from a deep slumber.

"Mi hija, mi hija, wake up!"

He turned on the lights and closed the door as he go through my cabinet to get an empty large bag. He immediately opened my drawer to get some clothes. I wondered to myself why he is packing my stuff so I got up and stood behind him. That's when I saw a gun tucked on the back of his pants.

"Papa, what are you doing?"

He quickly glanced at me looking so agitated and out of breath. He was sweating profusely and it shows on his shirt. He stood up and placed his hands on my shoulders. He looked at me with concern in his eyes, like I was going to be taken away. On that moment, I got scared

"Papa... what's going on? Why are you looking at me like that?"

He looked down feeling distraught, "Isabella, mi dulce... Please forgive me. I was wrong..."

Suddenly, the door opened and my second older brother Felipe came in. My Papa turned around and saw his son still looking sleepy. He then approached Felipe and said with a husky voice, "Please, take care of your sister. Protect her."

Felipe frowned with confusion, "What going on, Papa? Is someone out to get Isabella?"

Papa was feeling uneasy now and he was glancing outside my window every once in a while. It made me and Felipe more confused and scared at the same time. His sweat intensifies as he stared down on his beloved son, "I need you to leave this place. I can't explain right now but someday you will understand. Please, wake up your mama. Tell her to go to Jimenez. Go!"

Felipe immediately obeyed our father and went to wake up our mama and our eldest brother Pablo.

Papa faced me again feeling sorry for me.

I was tearing up and hugged him, "Papa, I'm scared. What's going to happen?"

He kissed me on my forehead as he caressed my long dark brown hair. "I promise, I will protect you no matter what. Even if it costs me my life. Keep safe, Isabella."

We heard Mama and Pablo run to get to my room.

"Isabella, let's go." Said my Mama reaching for my hand as she looks at my Papa furiously. "How could you do this to your own daughter?"

My mama took me as Pablo grabbed the bag with my clothes in it.

Suddenly we heard startling banging sounds on our front door. I almost screamed but Pablo covered my mouth.

"ENRIQUE! Open the f*cking door!"

We all looked at each other and the only thing that was on our minds was to escape. When my father saw that we are still in the house, he signaled us to get out of the backdoor. But somehow, we were scared to move. My mama was holding me tightly on my arm. I knew those people has something to do with papa and I have a feeling that they are here to take me away.

Suddenly, we heard a gunshot. I looked back and saw our front door being kicked open by a man. My Papa was standing there ready to shoot him down. The second gunshot was fired as the intruder fell down on its knees. We were all stunned. Blood was spilling in our household. I looked up at my mama and she was trying to be brave... for us, her beloved children.

My gaze turned to my father and his sorrowful eyes of guilt started to show.

"Go now!!!" my papa shouted. The veins on his forehead are showing as his intense eyes bewildered me more. What do those people want from me? I was reaching out for my papa's hands but he was not extending his. I got agitated. I was about to come running off him but my mama stopped me and took me out at the backdoor going to my papa's old run down car.

"Get in, Isabella!" said my mama hurriedly.

"No, papa is still inside." I resisted pointing, at the house.

I was about to go back but Pablo restrained me and forced me to get inside the car. I shouted. I called out to my beloved father but he was not responding. Pablo closed the door of the car and he got in on the front seat as my mama immediately started the engine. Again, I gazed at the dimmed halls in our house and I can see my papa's silhouette.

My mama was about to drive off but another car showed out of nowhere blocking our way. Two men got out of the car, walked towards us as they aimed their gun at us. I hugged Felipe who was sitting beside me and I closed my eyes. I thought to myself, "This is it. We are going to die tonight."

Three gun shots were fired and someone was down. I was shaking while hugging my brother thinking that one of us could be dead.

"Renata, go!!!!!"

I instantly looked out of the car's window and papa was aiming his gun at someone.

"Papa, come with us!!" I shouted opening the car's window, reaching for my father's hand but he was too far and Felipe was holding me back, afraid that I might get out of the car. But my mama drove off and I saw another lifeless body of a man.

"Mama, we need to get back for papa! Please!" I looked back trying to see what was happening back at the house. And there I saw another man pointing a gun at my father on the street. It was like a showdown on who is the fastest draw. Right then and there, I watched my father get killed by a powerful gunshot. Both men were down.

"NO!!!! Papa!!!!" I shouted, crying in disbelief.

I broke free from Felipe's grip, and opened the door of the moving car. I jumped out as I rolled across the gravel street. I knew I was injured but I didn't care, I needed to see if my father was alright, if he was still breathing. I got up and a jolt of adrenaline empowered my body as I run to him. I had to... he was my hero, my guidance, he was the only person I could talk to... my loving father can't leave. We need him in our lives, he promised me that he would walk me down the aisle, I need you, Papa...

I got to my father's unconscious body and pulled him out of the street with all of my strength. I laid him down at our front yard and knelt beside him crying.

"Papa, wake up... P-please... wake up... It's me... your Isabella." I cupped my hands on his face but he was not responding. Tears were flooding, "Papa... I need you... don't leave me! Please!! You promised me that we will always be together. Please wake up! PAPA!!!!" I hugged him calling out his name. I was angry and heartbroken at the same time. I can't leave him like this. "HELP US PLEASE!!!!!" I shouted, but no one came to our aid. Everybody was afraid to get involved with the Rodriguez's mess.

Mama backed up the car and grabbed me.

"Isabella, we must go! You're not safe here."

"No! Mama please we must get papa to the hospital!" I said pulling my mama back to save my papa.

Suddenly, Felipe and Pablo carried our father's unconscious body into the car. Pablo looked at our mother with a serious face and said, "He's our father. We can't just leave him..."

We all got in the car and drove off to the nearest hospital. But when we got there, he was already gone. The hope in our hearts that he was still alive was suddenly taken away.

I was only 16 years old when my father died. I couldn't accept it, it was like a nightmare that I couldn't wake up to...

He was my best friend, the only person I could trust, he knows all of my secrets, and though he is seldom present in our lives he would always make the best out of it when he is home. I adored my father because to me he was my hero.

My father's brother took us in until we could afford another house to live in. We stayed with him for a long time not knowing that soon the darkness will follow us there and it will change our lives.


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