What is this place

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"What are you doing?"

The Doctor ignores me and jumps us forward in time. I sigh and cross my arms as I stare at him. He doesn't tend to shut down like this, but now he has and there doesn't appear to be a way to get him out of this state of mind.



"Where are we going?"

"There's a signal of Cybermen in the year 3025."

"What about the Master?"

"I don't know Donna."

I roll my eyes and try to understand why he won't try and find the Master and help him. From what I've gathered, the two of them need each other to coexist.

We stop in New York in the year 3025. We walk out and see men and women alike running away from the Cybermen, but some guy just casually walks past all of this and manages to weave in and out of the Cybermen and manages to be okay.

He walks up to us and glances behind himself before mumbling and grabbing our hands and pulling us into the TARDIS.

"Who are you?"

"Unimportant. You need to get out of here." The guy says.

"I'm the Doctor. I'm here to help~" The Doctor says and the guy waves his hand in the air and signals for the Doctor to shut up.

"I know who you are. I mean, that you don't need to be here. To keep this from happening, you need to go and find the Master." The guy says.

"How do you know about him?"

"I know more than you think. But that's not important. Go and find him, I'll help you out by giving you what year you need to go to, but I can't help you much more past that. I would rather not screw with laws of time any more than they've already been screwed with."

"What year?" The Doctor asks.

"2530. The years are spaced this way because there is only a small window in this year that you can save him. Any other time and it would be your undoing. Keep in mind, that the TARDIS is going to have some issues getting there with the small time window you have to get him." The guy says.

"Why can't you come with us?"

"I can't risk running into myself."

"You wouldn't be around at that time."

"I beg to differ. You need to go, good luck."

The guy runs out of the TARDIS and I look over at the Doctor. He sighs and we prepare to head to the year 2530.

"Doctor, do you know how he could be alive for that long? He looks young."

"I have an idea, and it works in theory, but I desperately hope that I'm wrong." The Doctor says.

"What would that be?"

"Take the blood of a Time Lord and extract some of their DNA and take some blood from a human and mix the Time Lord's DNA with the human's DNA. Creating a Time Lord just with that."

I feel my stomach lurch a bit at the thought of doing that. The repercussions that could have for one or both party's is terrible.

We travel to the year 2530 and he sighs. We walk out and everything looks just how 3025 looked, with the exception that there are no Cybermen. We walk around town and find guards standing in front of a building that looks like a hospital, but give me the feeling of a prison.

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