The girl was slowly starting to lose consciousness; her head was weary, and she felt lightheaded. Coriolanus tried to intervene, reaching to the side to help the girl, but Reaper's hold on Snow prevented any immediate action.

"Wait, stop; don't kill her." Coriolanus begged the redhead, who had tightened her grip on Vienna's neck.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't, Blondie," the tribute replied as she turned her head toward Coriolanus.

"If you kill her, the second we step off this train, they will kill you and everyone you love back in the district."

The redhead rolled her eyes at his pleading. "Everyone I had is already gone."

"Coral, leave her. She's my mentor, or whatever she said. 'mma need her." Treech had finally spoken up, causing Coral to scoff and let Vienna drop to the floor.

Vienna brought her hand to her throat as the air slowly returned to her lungs. She lied on the floor, gasping and trying to recover from the intense chocking.

Vienna felt a presence kneel on the ground next to her. She soon realized it was Treech who had rushed to her side. "You okay, butterfly? Let's get you up." The use of the nickname caused a surge of blood to rise to her cheeks. His hands found their way onto hers, and he pulled her up gently.

Vienna, grateful for Treech's unexpected support, managed a weak smile as he helped her up. The tension in the van lingered as everyone was silent. No one dared to speak, afraid of who would attack who next.

Everyone was so lost in their own thoughts that no one realized how the van had stopped. That was until the van suddenly jerked forward before it began to tilt.

As everyone began sliding, Vienna instinctively grabbed onto Treech, who just so happened to be the nearest person. He wrapped his arm protectively around her waist.

Even if he hated the girl, she had almost died two minutes prior. He did not want to see her in any more pain. Treech is a gentleman, helping those in need—no matter their social status or if he despises them or not.

Treech tried his best to keep Vienna locked to his side, but his attempt was useless as the van tipped into an even bigger slope, this time the back door opening. One by one, the tributes and two mentors were dumped into a fenced area.

The Capitol girl had landed with her back against the floor as someone landed on top of her. Her eyes were shut in pain as she groaned at the weight that had fallen on top of her.

"Oh my god, can my lungs please get a break?" Vienna groaned out as she felt the air get knocked out of her lungs once again. Opening her eyes, she saw Treech face-to-face with her, their lips centimeters apart.

"Oh butterfly, I'm so sorry." Treech was quick to get off the girl, who was whining in pain. He once again reached out a hand to help her up. Vienna looked up at the man in front of her, taking his hand.

The two scanned the area, their hands still entwined. The area was fenced by tall metal bars, and people gathered on the opposite side looking in.

The entire area was an open space—no shelter, no food or water, and no beds. There were only trees, rocks, bushes, and dirt.

Vienna couldn't help but feel pissed. "The Capitol Zoo." She mumbled in disbelief, "What kind of sick entertainment is this?"

Treech, still holding Vienna's hand, gave her a look of concern as she watched Coriolanus and his tribute make their way to Lucky and his camera crew. Vienna had no idea what Snow was trying to do, but she realized she would need an explanation as to why she was in the area with the tributes.

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