Starcourt Mall

44 1 7

~Hawkins Indiana 1985~
After all the events of last year Mic is hoping to just spend the summer with her friends and her boyfriend.
All the monsters and upside down bullshit is done.. she's free.

📍Star-court Mall📍
Mic is walking around the new mall that was just built. It has everything!! From a food court to an ice cream parlor. But Mic's favorite place to go is the record shop. Mic loves music. It's what makes her the happiest. She walks into the record store. Browsing around the different records. When suddenly someone puts their hand over her eyes. She lets out a giggle.
"Guess who." They say in her ear.
"Hmm. Mike?" Mic smirks with her hands crossed in front of her.
"What." The mysterious person says.
"I'm kidding. Hi Matt." She turns around to face her boyfriend her hands going around his neck.  Matt puts his hands on her waist.
"Why do you do this all the time."
Mic laughs.
"Because I like messing with you."

They lean in their noses almost touching.
"Alright lovebirds!! Let's go we have a movie to get to." Lucas peaked his head in the door ruining their moment.
"Fuck you Lucas."
Mic flips him off. As they all walk out the door heading towards Scoops Ahoy. They know a secret way to get into the movie theater.
Luckily for Mic her brother works there. They all walk into Scoops Ahoy. Mic and Matt hand in hand. She rings the bell not stopping until Robin answers.
"Hi rob." Mic smiles at the girl.
Mic met Robin when Steve first got the job. Mic goes to Starcourt everyday. Because Steve has to work there. And there parents are on vacation again. So she has no choice but to go with him.

"Hey, dingus, your children are here." She yells behind her.
Suddenly Steve throws open the window.
"Again? Seriously?"
Mic rings the bell again. Steve rolls his eyes.
Steve opens the door in the back letting them all through one by one. Matt and Mic still holding hands as they walk through the door.
"I swear, if anybody hears about this.."
"We're dead!" The group says at the same time picking up their pace to get to the movie.
They all walk into the theater.
"See, Lucas? We made it." Max pushed Lucas to walk faster to his seat.
"We missed the previews." Lucas sat down in his seat.
Mic and Matt were sitting behind them with Mike and Will next to them.
Mic leans over. "Still made it. Fart face."
Matt pulls her back into her seat.  Handing her some skittles she gladly took them. Leaning her head on his shoulder. Matt gave her a kiss on her temple. Resting his head on hers.

When out of nowhere the lights go out. Everyone in the theater lets out a groan.
Mic lifts her head up. Her face full of worry.
Her hands start shaking. Matt grabs her hands.
"Hey. You're ok. You're safe. Ok."
She gives him a nod. Then the lights come back on and the movie starts playing again.
She looks over at Will who just went through a similar experience. She turns her attention back to the movie. Still having fear linger in her mind.

Authors note: Heyyyy!! Um

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Authors note: Heyyyy!! Um. Sooo. It's been a while. I hope everyone had a great Christmas and Thanksgiving if u celebrate. If not I hope you had a great day. I'm so excited but scared for this season. I can finally write more Mic and Matt. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and see you soon.
Love Mari❤️❤️
Also this is the link to Michelle's Spotify playlist

 Love Mari❤️❤️Also this is the link to Michelle's Spotify playlist

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