The accident

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"I don't know not here." Dustin turned to the group. "He said by Salerno's,right?" Max asked the group. "Yeah, maybe Will has him." Dustin told Max. Mic looked around. "Where is Will?" They all realized that Will was no where to be found. Mic was the first one to run out the door. The others followed after. They searching every hallway looking for him. Mic was with Max and Dustin. "Will!" They all said at the same time. "Will!" Mic was concerned where has he gone too.

They heard screeching of a vehicle at the front of the school. "Dustin,Mic!" Joyce said running towards the three of them. "Mrs. Byers!" Mic ran towards her. "What's going on? Where's Will?" Mic turned and saw Mike, Lucas and Will standing in the field. "The field!" When they got out there they saw Mike shaking Will trying to get him to wake up. "Will. I just found him like this!" Mike told Joyce. He's having another episode." Mic whispered to herself.

"Will! Will! Will!" Joyce was shaking Will. "Sweetie, wake up! It's mom!" Everyone was panicking Will frequently had episodes but never ones that lasted this long. Mic could watch anymore. She turned to face the other way. Dustin put a hand on her shoulder. Dustin new Mic hated seeing her friends hurting in anyway. "Will! Will, wake up!" "Can you hear me?" Will, please, just wake up." "Please wake up!" "It's Mom!" "It's Me!" Suddenly Will woke up from his trance falling to the ground in the process.

"Okay, that totally freaked me out. Did that not  freak you guys out?" Max asked the group. Lucas turned to everyone. "Two episodes in Two days." "It's getting worse." Mic said. Looking directly at Will who's being comforted by his mom. "You think it's True Sight?" Dustin asked. "What's True Sight?" Max asked. Mic was about to answer her when Mike interrupted. "It's nothing." Mic saw as Joyce took Will to her car and the drove away. Everyone slowly started leaving saying that they will see everyone in the morning.

Mic was the last one to leave. She was biking home with tears in her eyes. She loved all her friends. But she was worried not only for Will but for everyone. Is all the events that happened last year coming back? Mic threw her bike at the front door, and walked in the house. "Hey, dinners ready if you want some." Steve said looking at her. He saw her teary eyed and her red face his smile instantly dropped. "I'm not hungry." Mic ran up the stairs and locked herself in the bathroom.

Steve was quick to follow behind her. Mic was on the floor in the bathroom with her knees hugging her chest and her head down sobbing to herself. She heard a knock on the door. "Go away." She put her head back down. "Mic please, let me in, I just want to talk. Please." Steve begged her to open the door. Steve had his forehead against the door when he heard the lock click. He slowly opened the door, closed it behind him, and then kneeled in front of Mic. "Hey, what happened." He was concerned for his sister. Although sometimes it don't seem like he wanted anything do to with her he cares so much.

Mic looked up at his concerned face. "What didn't happen." Steve knew she was going to tell him everything. So he sat next to her. "Mike is being an asshole and is being so mean to me and Max, Will is getting worse not better. And I'm concerned that.. that everything that happens last year is not over.. that it's happening again." Steve wiped the tears off her face. "Everything that happened last year is in the past. Nothing bad is going to happen again. And Will is going to be fine he has you guys, his mom. And if anything bad does happen I'll fight them off with my ninja skills."

He karate chopped his arms. Mic let out a laugh. "You, Steve Harrington are going to fight the demogorgons off with your quote on quote ninja skills?" Steve gave Mic an offended look. "What you don't think I can?" Mic had a smile on her face. "Oh not at all you could barely fight Johnathan what makes you think you can fight of the demogorgons." "Hey!" He said " I defeated the demogorgon! And we don't talk about that remember." Mic had a playful expression on her face. "Hey I never promised I wouldn't and it was one demogorgon with 2 other people with you." Mic yawned and put her head on Steve's shoulder. "I love you Steve Harrington." Mic said slowly drifting away. "I love you to Micky." He said as he slowly drifted to sleep as well.

Authors note: AHHH STEVE AND MIC

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Authors note: AHHH STEVE AND MIC. There so cute together I love there relationship so much. And I swear to god if I have to right Will one more time I gonna jump of a bridge. Anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter and see you guys next week❤️

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